Mighty lovers

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" His name is, Dean Portman", I told my aunt Rose. " Well it seems like you really like this Dean Portman, why don't you go ahead and tell him?", she replied to me. " What no! no no no! are you crazy? never in my life would I tell him I think I like him!" I told my aunt Rose. " Come on sweetheart you should tell him, but now go to bed you have a very long day of hockey tomorrow!", She told me, " okay goodnight aunt Rose", I gave her a hug goodnight and walked upstairs. I put on my pajamas and then laid in bed, staring at the dark ceiling, was my aunt Rose right? Should I tell Dean that I like him? I don't know, for another hour all I could think of was if I had a crush on Dean or not. The thing is that I barley met this boy not even less then 24 hours! I mean he is so perfect so many ways. His eyes were so perfect, his smile and laugh were so perfect everything about this boy was so perfect. I slowly fell asleep thinking and wondering if I was in love with Dean or not.

The next morning, I woke up and I got dressed and brushed my teeth and did my hair. Then after I was done getting ready I grabbed my hockey gear and put my roller blades on and I walked out the door. Connie and Julie were waiting for so we could go to practice, " hey y/n!" , Connie said to me. " hi Connie! Hi julie!", I replied to them. " Hi y/n!", julie said to me and smiled. We choose to race down the hill going to the ice rink! And of course I won! " hey y/n, sooo we all know you like Portman!", julie said to me. I froze up in the moment and I started blushing really really badly my whole face got red as a tomato. " wh- what are you talking about Julie you are crazy! I d- do no- not! like Portman", I studied a little bit talking to her back. The thing was is that I still have no clue if I like Dean or not. " Yeah whatever y/n! You don't gotta lie to me and Julie! You could tell us the truth", Connie told me. " Connie I promise I am! I don't like Portman!" I told Connie. " whatever you say y/n!", Connie said well her and Julie laughed. Once we walked into the Ice rink we walked into the girls locker room and changed, once we were all done the boys were already waiting for us. " Hey Connie!" guy skated up to Connie and kissed her on the cheek, they skated away to the rest of the group. Somebody tapped my shoulder and so I turned around, " hi y/n .." a blonde boy said and of course that blonde boy was Adam banks. He is the richest one here and the only shy one too. " oh hi Adam!", I replied to him it was weird, because yesterday Adam wasn't this shy, it was weird but I didn't worry about it at the moment. Once Adam was done talking to me, I wasn't really paying attention about what he was telling me about because all I could focus on was Dean, the prettiest boy out there. Once Adam was done talking I skated away to Dean. " oh hi y/n", Dean said as he went in for a hug, " oh hi Portman!" I smiled and hugged him back, oh my gosh that was our first hug! It felt so amazing he was soft and gentle. Maybe after all of this.. I do like Portman?

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