sneak peak

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"Tomorrow, I will have forgotten your name, your face, your voice- but right now, you stand before me," Khair breathed out, cautiously approaching the man- no, the creature standing meters away from her. Her body felt warm, inside and out, akin to the burn of a shot of whiskey down the throat.

Vyktos's woody, heady scent enveloped Khair. His burnt orange eyes tracked her every move. The numerous pointed weapons belted down to his thighs gleamed in the dim moonlight. Khair swallowed. But, fuck it, she continued speaking- she needed him to become enamored with her.

"In this moment, I can see you, I can smell you..." Placing a tentative hand on the figure's armored chest, Khair let out a shaky breath as she molded her palm to his front. Letting out a shaky breath, "I can feel you."

"Little girl, turn back now." Rough, guttural words grated her ears. 

Little? Really? Khair looked down at her body, surveying her wide-set hips, tapered waist, and bountiful bust. After their mother had passed, Leila would slip into Khair's bed on stormy nights, snuggling into her body, claiming that she felt like a maternal embrace.

But Khair knew what the man truly met. Bagra's assigned reading she had packed with the vial of blood had informed her of how fae souls burned for centuries while their personages remained youthful and unassuming. Regardless, she rebutted,

"I am not little."  

No response- the guarded eyes continued tracking her movements.

It was now or never. Looking back down at her fingers splayed against the armor, she admitted her desire. "Afford me the pleasure I've heard so much about," The words tumbled out of her mouth, rushed and eager to meet the figure in front of her. In truth, she hadn't necessarily heard 'so much'- more so the cantankerous ravings of a loony villager.

Sensing a shift in the fae's composure, Khair glanced back up at the creature's visage, more than shocked to see a smirk forming. A subtle one, albeit- his lips pulled only a couple centimeters to the right. Flames of amusement kindled in his eyes. Finally, emotion permeated his stoic mask.

"Ah. This is the true reason behind your foolishness. Are mortal men so impotent that you're  risking your nascent life for fae cock?" A subtle accent coated his words, his eyebrows pulled up in a challenge.

Khair blushed, immediately tensing and removing her hand from the man. Before her hand could return to its rightful place beside her person, the creature snatched her wrist, bringing it underneath jaw. Tilting his head down, he brushed his nose against the inside of her wrist, inhaling deeply. He rumbled against her, eye closed, his face drawn into an expression of deep concentration.

"Don't get shy now, little girl. I can hear your heart- I can feel your need." 

"That makes no sense." Khair breathed, her eyes fixed on the way that the man's nostrils flared and his thick fingers roughly gripped her wrist. Was his hand slightly bigger than it had appeared from far away?

"It does. My kind has different senses than you- we can comprehend truths pertaining to the fabric of world that your mortal head will never grasp. See colors your mind can never picture. Our language is composed of words your ears would shatter upon hearing."

Khair's heartbeat spiked, adrenaline flooding her veins. Khair at least hoped he was only divulging these secrets of his kind because he knew she would forget, not because he intended to, well, uh, dispose of her. She backed away, out of his grasp. For the first time in their interaction, she realized that she truly did not know what the man in front of her was capable of her. God, she was so stupid. Entering this world, equipping all her knowledge from Bagra's personal accounts, just because she was feeling desperate and willing to risk it all.

Sex was a universal concept. Khair knew how to get it from a man, no matter his species. But now she was slowly coming to the understanding that sex with this creature would be something she would never recover from. No mortal man would ever be able to please her after Vyktos- he would break her mind and her body.

"Pray tell what happened to all that confidence? Scared, little girl?" He stalked towards her, their height difference becoming more and more apparent as he slowly paused inches away from her, towering down. His unflinching stare probed her, the flames in his irises challenging her. 

"N-nothing happened. I know what I want." Khair mustered out, trying to discern exactly how he suddenly appeared so much bigger than her. His quadriceps were double, if not triple the size of her thighs, and his arms- oh god, his forearms were so thick and solid.

"You're surprised by my form," He noted, appreciating Khair heated stare. "We must subdue our true selves in the presence of mortals so as not to splinter their minds. I have been slowly unmasking my glamour. Revealing the true height of my stature, volume of my muscle... size of my cock."

Khair inhaled sharply, her gaze quickly flicking down to Vyktos's pants which were made of some glossy, naturally brown, leather material. No doubt some poor animal's skin the creature had captured. Regardless, it did little to conceal the thick swell that rested there. Too big, Khair thought, glancing down at her own self. Yet despite their fundamental size discrepancy, heat pooled in Khair's pants.

Shaking her head, she looked at him challengingly, "Why tell me all your secrets if I am to forget?"

Looking her up and down, his eyes briefly resting on the swell of her breasts rising from her torn, white tank top, he spoke, "I can tell you can take it."

Khair wasn't sure if he was talking about his species' secrets or his body.

Lifting his hand, he suddenly gripped Khair's jaw, his thumb brushing over her jaw. Moving his hand through her thick brunette hair, he fisted the back of her skull in his palm. Pulling his hand away, allowing her strands of glossy hair to flow through his fingertips, he suddenly closed his palm into a fist and rotated his wrist in a maneuver that wrapped her hair around his fist.

Khair gasped at the sudden onslaught of pain, but Vyktos paid her no mind. Pulling her closer towards him by her hair, Vyktos lowered his lips to the shell of her ear, his warm breath coating the right side of her face. Khair had never been so aroused in her life. 

"But, maybe," he started, glancing down at her heaving breasts again and then back up, "if your young body milks me good enough, I'll keep you for a little while."

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