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Sapnap laid in bed three minutes after his final alarm had gone off but he couldn't bring himself to get up. There was no point in going to school it's not like he was going to learn anything. He had to get up eventually though.

This was his final year of high school and the only reason he was actually showing up to classes was so he could graduate. Ten minutes before school started he finally got out of bed.  He put  on sweat pants and a hoodie and walked out the door.  Sapnap had given up on his appearance after freshmen year. He got in his car and drove the five minutes to get to school. 

When he got there he was greeted with the all to familiar smell of what he grew to know as hell. Just a couple of years ago he would of been filled with excitement to enter these doors but know everything was different. Freshmen year he had everything he could have asked for, friends, a mom who supported him, good grades, and a girlfriend. Then one day everything slipped away at his fingertips. There was nothing he could do about it now so he walked through the halls with his head down, he had been doing this all year and it wasn't going to change today. Until it did.

Instead of his name being called out by his best friends Dream and George he bumped into someone. His notebook falling out of his hand in the process.

"oh fuck, I'm so sorry" said a voice that sapnap hardly recognized but had heard before. when he looked up his eyes met greyish blue ones, he instantly knew who they belonged to.

Karl Jacobs. They were lab partners freshmen year but with karl as his partner sapnap could hardly ever get work done. He seemed to always end up lost in Karls eyes. He was sweet and was super fun to have around but Sapnap couldn't help the hatred he felt towards him. He was part of the reason that he lost everything.

"uh.. hey Sapnap" karl said as his hand moved to scratch the back of his head. They hadn't talked since that night yet Karl was everywhere. Sapnap knew it was only a matter of time before Karl tried talking to him. They were in half of the same classes and somehow Karl always managed to look out the window when Sapnap drove by his house on the way to school. He had accidentally made eye contact once and it made him want to take a different route the next morning.

Sapnap looked karl directly in the eyes with no emotion on his face. He picked up his book and walked away not saying a word. He wasn't ready to talk to Karl yet.  He didnt think he ever would be. It had been about three and a half years since the last time he talked to Karl, he had plenty of time to get over it but he couldn't. Its not like he didn't want to. Time moves slow when you're all alone  and he used all that time to get over it. It was just harder than he thought it would be.


IM BACK!! How have you guys been? Its been a year since I took the ranboo fic down and I thought it was time to start writing again. I had writers block for a while but this was a fic Ive been wanting to write for a while. This is kind of the test chapter to see if you guys like it so I apologize for it being so short. An update schedule doesn't exist right now, Im just happy Im at least writing again. I missed you guys a lot :]

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 24, 2022 ⏰

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