My choice had to be made...

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I held my phone in one hand...

I sighed as my breathing got heavy...

I heard him, mooaaaanning....

I heard my bed, creaking...

I saw the petals on the counter....

He has been waiting....

I have not been ready....

What would I say....?

Should I sacrifice my life to a guy like him....?

Should I just kill myself now....?

Should I call the cops....?

The petals led to my bed.....

Just like yesterday.....

If I take the rose, would he leave me alone.....?

Or would he come back for more....?

Will he kill me while I had the "time of my life"....?

There was only one way to find out.....

Offenderman lemon!!!!❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Where stories live. Discover now