Before - The History of Aztla

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The Kingdom of Aztla, or Aztla Kingdom, was created more than 200 years ago. Human around the world saw Aztla as one of those magical country, with its great and humble royal family. Aztla was not a very big country, it was only a big island, were most parts consists of forest and natural habitats, although there was one metropolitan city, which also where one of the best hospital in the world, Aztla National Hospital and the Aztla Royal Palace located. Other than that, Aztla was also not very open for tourists, only certain people can visit certain available areas, mostly the big cities. Not many outsiders know about it, but there was more to it.

Before the kingdom was known as Aztla. The island used to be even more magical than now. The legends mentioned the country was made up of concentric islands separated by wide moats and linked by a canal that penetrated to the center. The islands contained gold, silver, and other precious metals and supported an abundance of rare, exotic wildlife. People around the world bow down and served the islands, but the greed and hunger for power consumed its residents. With their magic and supernatural powers, they started a war, both within and even around the world. Yes, the Kingdom was the Great City of Atlantis, until the Gods cursed its people. Chaos and ruins destroyed everything and the witches casted their magic spell along with its curse ended the mess. The witches also decided to block the island to and from the outside world to avoid more problems.

The only thing that's left was very little, but still magical. Few werewolves packs and vampires survived but lots had not made it. The faes hid themselves into the Otherworld and then it was told that witches lost all their powers and were gone.

Hundreds years after that, the magic blockade faded and outside world started to be able to reach the island, although no one could recall that it was once the Great City. The Royals of Aztla was created when a rich man called Arthur, from across the world found and claimed the island and called it Aztla. He was a great ruler and soon the island started to be livelier. Within decades, he learned about the supernatural being and started making agreements among them to keep the supernatural save from the outside world while also giving them authorities for their own beings. Although they were the only human being with authorities in the island, they became more powerful since they brought resources from outside of the island and vice versa. Afterwards, the Royals made some deals with the Werewolves and Vampire. At the beginning, there was just the land division and the general laws. After a while, Aztla was ready to open for the outside world and for diplomatic reason they have built a more political hierarchy known as the Alpha Nations with the Alpha of the five strongest pack from the Central, Northern, Southern, Eastern and Western part of Aztla being the packs delegates. The vampires also have their queen who supposedly lead their troops and ruled above the clans. It was to keep their numbers in control while they also was given a chance to maintain a Hospital chain for human, since they were in need of blood.

There were the faes and witches mentioned, but they were almost never seen or involved in the kingdom, so most believe they were just myths or they had extincted after what happened to the kingdom. Once again, everything was calm and under control. That was until, the legend would repeat itself. But the cursed one would be the one who ended once and for all.

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