Part 2 - The Switch

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I was in a small room around with some other young kids. We were listening to an elder telling us a legend of the curse. I was never a fan of the said legend since it wasn't included in any history book. It was about the curse.

In the history, it was said that the witches help Aztla to end the chaos. Right before they left, they had casted a spell to bring peace but the spell required sacrifice. But since nothing strong enough could be sacrificed, they put a curse to Aztla instead. 

It wasn't very much recorded but a story brings itself to the west side of Aztla, not sure where it began. It's about the curse. They said one day, history will repeat itself. There will be another chaotic war inside Aztla which will ended with either taking Aztla down forever or revive Aztla to its finest.

The one who had ended it will be the one who started it.
The one who had started it will be the one who ended it.

It wasn't new news that the one who ended the chaos was the witches, so according to this legend, the witches will be the one who started the upcoming chaos. And that was exactly why I didn't believe in it. The witches were gone, right after the spell and the curse. So, it's impossible for them to suddenly start a chaos, right?

And the most unbelievable part is, the Goldanver believe the one who started the chaos was actually a female descendant of the Alpha from the Eastern who travelled West. This theory had no supporting evidence at all, most werewolves believed it was a myth. It was more make sense if it was a Vampire who was bored of living peacefully for too long, or maybe human beings who were jealous of the supernatural beings. But for many years, nothing actually happened.

But to me, it was possible the curse was just a lie. It was just made to ensure all party behave accordingly to the law. To not cause chaos.


I woke up from the dream. I looked around and find myself in my bedroom. I tried to remember what happened before I asleep but all I could think at the moment was my dream. It wasn't an imagination, it was actually a memory from about 6 or 7 years ago. Just a couple weeks before I met my wolf.

I never actually remember about the legend of the curse, since I believed it wasn't real. It was not recorded in the history books, in fact it wasn't even ever written. The legend was just a told-story the Goldanver elder share to their children.

Suddenly I heard a knock from the door. I sniffed. It was Dessy, I can faintly smell her scent. "Get in." I call for her. Although, I felt I wasn't in my best condition. She was so closed, yet I couldn't smell her clearly. I was supposed to be able to smell her wherever part of the house she was because our house was kind of small and I have strong sense of smell. Usually.

"Are you okay, D?" She entered my room. I shook my head. I'm not okay. She approached me. "Yeah, you don't look good at all. You looked drained last night so we don't want to wake you. Think we should let the doc know you're not coming today."

"Hmm, what time is it?" I brought myself to speak although it sounded more like a very low whisper. If she wasn't a werewolf she probably couldn't hear me. "It's almost 10 actually."

Well, than she's right. I'm late and there's no way I could handle doing anything at the moment. "I think I'm going to rest for awhile."

"Wait, I think you should go to the clinic, or should I call the doc. You've been helping him, it was time for him to do you." I was about to stop her, but I knew I do need a doctor. So I nodded. At the moment, she probably mind-linked John already. The clinic was only about 15 minutes walk so he'll be here shortly.

"What happened last night? You skipped dinner, and finally came back very late, and also look like you lost all you energy."

"I, I'm not ... sure." That wasn't a lie, I was not sure. Why would I skipped dinner. I almost never skipped dinner, and never unannounced. Then, I remembered. My encounter with the intruder. But instead of panic, I felt somewhat encouraged. Instead of scared, I felt kind of relieved.

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