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Disclaimer: I do not own Percy Jackson or any of the PJO characters.

"STOLL!" I yelled. Ugh, how much I hated that boy. He would always prank me, me of all people. It just doesn't stop!

"Hey Katie Kat." Travis said, walking towards me with a smirk on his face.

"What have you done to my hair!" I yelled at him. 

"You mean what've you done to your hair."

"Travis Stoll, I swear-" but he cut me off.

"You swear what? I didn't tell you to wash your hair, did I?"

"Travis please, you're always pranking me and nobody else. Did I do something wrong? Why don't you tell me what's bothering you?" I said as I started to tear up. Travis saw this and his face immediately dropped.

"Katie, I didn't mean to upset you. Besides having pink hair isn't that bad. A lot of people dye their hair pink"

"Yeah, out of free choice!" I screamed. This time he went to far. "Travis, I hate you!" I screamed. And with that I stormed into the forest. I couldn't deal with him any more, I just couldn't.

~~~A Few Minutes Later~~~

I was crying my heart out. Why would he do this to me? He knows  hate pink. Is that why he did it?  Because he new I'd act like this. And then there's the fact that I don't only hate him, but love him. His beautiful blue eyes, his curly brown hair, his mischievous smile. And now he was treating me like this!

As I cried, I heard footsteps. After a few seconds I felt someone sit next to me, but I just ignored them.

"Katie, I'm sorry. I really am. I only meant it to be a joke, that's all. I didn't know it would have this kind of impact on you." I heard the familiar voice of Travis Stoll.

"But why me, Travis? Why me? Why do you always want to prank me?" I yelled at him, not even bothering to look up.

"Did you just say, why me, three times in a row  and it actually made sense?" Travis asked.

At this, I stood up and lost it," You know, you just don't care, do you! You always say sorry this, sorry that, but you never really meant it because you won't stop pranking me!" I yelled. After he stood up, I continued my insults "You are impossible, Stoll! An impossibly, annoying, uncaring, viciou-"

I got cut of by a pair of soft lips crashing into mine. Travis put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer to him every second. I was infuriated. How could he do this! But at the same time, I didn't want it to stop. He smelled like candy, which could be explained by him and his brother smuggling candy into camp.

After a while, I pulled back, slightly out of breath, "Why did you do that?" I asked him.

"Because, Katie Gardner, I love you and I didn't want to hear you insulting the amazing Travis Stoll." he said and after a while he added, "And that's the reason I've always been pranking you. To get your attention."

"Really?" I asked with disbelief.

He didn't answer me. Instead, he lifted up my chin and kissed me again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2023 ⏰

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