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The next day Hyunwoo thought about all the things he would probably miss on if it becomes a full fledged apocalypse .

He wanted to have his first patients and wanted to graduate like his friends.

He always felt a little jealous of his friends who graduated college while his five years long med degree was only half way done and how everyone had jobs and he was still a student.

Hyunwoo greeted his professors on his way to his class. He frowned at how there were only a handful of students present today.

"I guess everyone didn't came because they were scared." Hyunwoo thought to himself.


Daeun sighed , frustrated that her boss still demanded all of them to come to work even after all that had been going around.

"It's okay, I can do it.'' Daeun thought. " Will quit this job as soon as I get my salary today."

Daeun had a degree in computer science and even though her years as a student were pretty hard but there were more than enough jobs in the market for her.

On her way today, she heard a lot of people talking about the disease.

The media was working non stop to give more information , the researchers and the doctors had named the infection to be contagious through exchange of bodily fluids ; through bites, direct contact with the infected's blood or sexual intercourse.

Thankfully, Aera didn't had to go to work today so spent the rest of the day trying to get as much information about the disease as she could so they can plan a little to go through this.


Chan woke upto his phone ringing. He groaned while rummaging through his bed to get to his phone and picked it up without looking at the caller ID so he was even more surprised when he finds that it's a call from his boss; Park Jinyoung.

"Oh? Hello?" Chan said .

"Chan, there are several media outlets that wants to interview Stray Kids."

"But the situation outside-"

"I know , that's why I told them to settle with online interview so, later they can call you up. Is that alright?"

"Ah yeah. Thank you so much, I will get everyone ready for it." Chan informed.

"Thank you Chan, All the best."

As the phone call ended, Chan groaned and tossed and turn on the bed before he finally sat up and walked out of his room to inform the others.

After one or two hours after Chan had informed the members of the interview , they were now on a video call with a reporter who asked them about their future plans as a group and if any of them will have solo album releases.

Although they were humble enough to not let it show on their faces, they were pretty bored and tired.

It was still early in the morning and Chan and Changbin didn't had enough time to sleep, Han was still mentally exhausted from the incident from yesterday.

"Is there a new album release anytime soon?" The reporter asked.

"uh we have our songs ready but we need to discuss it with our company as well." Minho replied.

"Ah I hope it comes out soon because your fans seem to be very excited." The reporter smiled. " Also I would like to know if-"

Something was said in her earpiece which made her halt and she hurriedly looked at the screen and concluded the interview.

"We apologize for the inconvenience but we cannot continue with the interview."

"It's okay, Thank you." The members thanked the interviewer and ended the interview.

"What the fuck just happened?" Felix was pissed about how they ended the interview with little to no regards for them.

"Oh so this is why we were cut off.." Seungmin mumbled when the news channel flashed the breaking news.

"The infectious disease that turns humans into zombie like creature has spreaded like wildfire in many countries of the world and is now threatening the humanity.

Yesterday, several outbreaks in the cities of Korea which have alerted the authority.

There has been no cure found yet and it is predicted that it will remain this way for atleast some months.

In the wake of this disaster, CDC has released a few tips that could help you survive until there's help.

Collect these items as soon as possible.

water- 1 gallon per person per day

Food- nonperishable, easy to prepare items. [3 days supply atleast]


Battery powered or hand crank radio if possible

Extra batteries

First aid kit with gloves and masks and if you take daily meds, stock them up as well. [7 days supply atleast]

Multipurpose supplies such as duct tape, scissors, matches etc.

Sanitation/ personal hygiene items and bleach

Copies of personal documents.

Cell phone with charger.

Extra cash

Emergency blanket, extra clothes and sleeping bags.

Maps of your Area.

We will continue to update and we hope all of you will be safe and prepared.

Thank you"

"Fuck" Minho muttered. "We should get the items as soon as possible and as much as possible."

"I am already ordering everything , hyung." Seungmin muttered going through his phone. " But let's divide the work so we can order quickly from different apps since there are things that are not available in a single app."

"Right, I will order the personal hygiene items and Seungmin can order the food." Hyunjin got himself to work .

"We will have to go out to buy the things like flashlights and batteries." Chan said worriedly." I will go and..Minho?"

" Yep, I will come along."

"Felix and I will go out and buy the blankets and sleeping bags and whatever else is necessary and will take out cash as well." Changbin informed.

" Then I am going to order the medicines and items needed for a first aid kit." Jisung said.

"What should I do then?" Jeongin asked staring at everyone's faces.

"You can keep an eye on the news for the updates and collect each of our's personal documents." Jisung suggested.

Jeongin nodded. "I am also calling the company to send us a car incase there is an emergency."

"Good, do that." Changbin said. " We should leave now."

Chan, Minho and Felix nodded .

"Please come back safe." Hyunjin whispered in a prayer as the four of them left the house.


So, there's actual guidelines from CDC for this so I kinda wrote exactly those here hehe

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