The Mission 1

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Julia's POV
Now I had everyone where I wanted he or she to be. I booked an abandoned warehouse with different details and started my work.
Mafia of Spain's POV
I was in my office when I received a call it was from unknown number. It was a female's voice. She asked me to come a meet her in an abandoned warehouse. Her instructions where quiet funny. She said"NI BODYGUARDS". REALLY!. I couldn't go anywhere without them and who even said I was going. She sent me pictures of me in a lot of illegal works. She threatened that if I didn't arrive by 10pm, she was going to forward it to the police.
Julia's POV
I called the sisters and told them about my plan and they sent help. Thank God this new fight Andrian had with a neighboring mafia empire had him busy
Mafia of Spain's POV
When I got to the ware house the whole place was dark except for one dim light and a table with a wine bottle and two wine glasses. There was a figure sitting in the chair. It was a female. She beckoned me to come and sit down. The moment I sat down she uttered I warned you not to bring them at that moment I heard gunshots outside."now it's just me and you", she said. I asked her what she wanted and she said everything. She couldn't do that to me. She offered me a glass of wine. The whole place was hot. the moment I drunk it I could feel a burning sensation in my stomach. She told me I had only 10mins to give her what she wanted or else I die because she had the antidote. I needed my life. Who ever this person was, was looking for her own grave. She started shouting about how we murdered innocent people for our own selfish greed. How we made people suffer for crimes made by us. I gave her all my financial details and she threw the antidote at me but it feel and got destroyed. Before I could do anything blood started oozing from my mouth. Who was this?
Unknown's POV
She called the police and left the scene leaving a dead man, a mask, a wine glass and wine bottle with red lipstick as the only proof and left.
Police's POV
When my men and I arrived at the scene there was no finger prints. Even the lipstick didn't trace us to anyone. This killer was a very smart one. She had killed one of the most want frug dealers of our time.
Trigger's POV
I was having a meeting with my son when a video was sent to me. It was a female figure, she had killed one of my most profitable clients and she had the guts to say in the camera that the angel of death had risen. I needed to act fast. I didn't want my son to get in this so I kept it from him. With two weeks 12 clients of mine had been murdered in the same and some even fought had for their lives. My empire was losing profit. What was happening.
Darn's POV
I could sense trouble everywhere because Trigger had been very busy of late. Since I stop taking the food prepared by the chef the headaches had reduced and I had been having some blur memory of a bunch of people.
Andrian's POV
My dad seemed tensed of late and anytime I asked him what was wrong he will tell me it was nothing. I needed to find out. Of late, Amber was acting weird but I just allowed it. Maybe she was stressed or something.
Unknown's POV
The risen devil had been able to kill 19 out of 25 mafia leaders who were working with Trigger in less than a month leaving the same evidence. It was making the police confused. She didn't always get to kill the mafia's so easily. One time she had to fight hand to hand before she could bring the mafia of China down. Sometimes she had to send bruises back home. Once Andrian noticed and asked her but she just said she fell. In less than 3months she had successful wiped away the 25 mafias of the great empire. Now her aim was to finish the other two men who were with Trigger the day she lost his family. She was happy with here progress. The sisters were happy that Julia had been able to wipe away the mafias.
Julia's POV
Now that I was half way through my revenge, I needed to be careful because Trigger was so alert. My brother's health was improving bit by bit. Andrian had proposed to me and I had accepted. I didn't know what was wrong with me but I felt the more I stayed closer to Andrian, I felt the brotherly connection towards him. It seemed as if my hatred couldn't reach to him. I was not supposed to have mercy for anyone. I was suppose to kill everything connected to Trigger.
Trigger's first man POV
I had been friends with Trigger for quiet a very long time. We had fun when we murdered people who messed up with us. I couldn't express my joy when we successful wiped away his brother's family. It was so interesting. I was in the bar with my friends when I received a call from an unknown number. Trigger had already told me what was happening and we had sent spies to search for the witch who was messing with us. I had asked my family to stay indoors and not leave the children alone. When the call came in it was a female voice. I beckoned my friends to come closer. She told me to come to meet her or else she was going to kill my family. I just smiled and within 3mins she sent a video of my kids and wife tied together in a chair. I was going to kill this woman if she touched my family. I took my gun and drove my car even though I was a little tipsy. The moment I open the door of the house I heard three gunshots. I saw my family lying in their own blood. I launched for her but she dodged. I tried again, I was going to kill this daughter of a bitch. Before I could do anything she punched me in the stomach. I reciprocated the punch and it landed on her chin. She just smirked. Who in the hell rose the devil? She punched me in the groin and I landed on the floor. She started circling me reminding me that evening when we killed her family. I looked up and uttered"Julia". She just looked at me smiled and shot me in the head.
Unknown' s POV
After she had succeeded she opened a glass of wine from his wine cardboard took a glassful of the wine and left it as witness for the police.
Trigger's POV
I was going mad my paddi had been killed. This being was getting on my toes. I didn't know who was next. I increased the security around my son and his fiancee. Yes he had finally proposed. I didn't want anything to happen to them.
Lucy's POV
I had been following this woman Amber. She seemed suspicious. I had to act fast if I wanted to win Andrian back.

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