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-Please be aware That this story Contains foul Language, And Graphic Visual Scenes.


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-This Chapter Is Mainly In taehoom's Perspective And maybe hobin's.
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© Copyright This story does not Belong To Me! Nor do the Characters These all belong to, Taejun Pak And Kim Junghyun.



I've never held a grudge, not against anybody. I think it's because he looks like him at times. And it doesn't help, none of this helps.

Taehun laid atop of the heavenly felt bed, mesmerized by the diligent fan spinning, rapidly, putting him in a trance like state. Lately, he's been thinking, not about something but someone. Someone very dear to him but would he ever say that aloud? No.

His eyes shut, Pondering. Getting lost in thought about him, flashes here and there. He wanted to know, how someone so small, scrawny, fucking. . Hideous, someone with no game? Get him to fall so hard.

His phone. His phone began to ring. His eyes fluttered open, lazily walk over to his plug. He scanned the contact name "Hobo"Which was short for hobin. He picked up the phone and clicked answer.

"Taehun speaking" Was that to formal? Silence filled the other end.

"... Taehun are you —" He choked, "Are you still teaching Taekwondo".

The red head took a moment to respond, " Why wouldn't I be, and if so .. Why?"

"Because ".

" because what? Spit it twit" .

"Uhm.. "

"Don't uhm me, say it" fuck this was getting annoying His thoughts were finally getting good but, he .— well the person he was thinking about actually called him.

"I was wondering if. . Uhm — you can. . Continue to.. Teach me?".

"No" he had a good reason, he was right he didn't have to say yes, but.

"Hear me out — "he cut him off.

" Fuuuckk no" he made the fuck breathy and long, "Ya went along to go learn boxing? And now you come crawling back! Don't you feel..Ashamed" it hurt saying that to him, boxing was tough to learn, but Taekwondo was tougher and better.

"I'm sorry – I Wasn't thinking straight" hobin continued, not to long ago Taehun and he got into a nasty argument about something, it was all blurs, his mind didn't want him to remember anything of that day. "I want to come back, can I?"

He couldn't say no, but he couldn't just accept so easily. "F.. Fin-.. Fuck no".

"Please"he was practically begging a this point. He was desperate.

"Fuck..fine, Come tomorrow. ." He ended the call right then, he didn't want to hear his reaction, he didn't have the balls for that.


It was bright, and early the long arms of the sun seeping through the Crevasse of the window. The air was chilled, allows its cool air to awaken the red fox. The blankets slithering up his body. He groaned, recalling the memories of the night before. The pillow that once comforted his head was flung across anger risen, why'd he say yes?

Hobin, Who didn't look back when he went to go learn a completely different martial art. It was his choice he knew that, but. . That fuckface gave him a whole montage about how Taekwondo is amazing, and shit. What a funny guy.


The tension in the dojo was so Thick, not even a knife could slice through it. The first thing thing taehun noticed was hobin he was, taller more muscular, his calves, arms, he fit perfectly into his dobok.

"Munseong has been treating you well huh?" He didn't look like this, when he was training him. "Mhm" hobin nodded. It was awkward, "Tackle me" he wanted to see something, the boy who once struggled to touch him, probably could throw him.

"What?"hobin wasn't expecting that, not at all. "Are you deaf? T-A-C-K-L-E ME".

"I know – I know, Why?" He was on his knees for about an hour before the redhead decided to say something. they ached. "You owe me" the fox changed the subject, hobin was confused. "my time going down the drain? You know that, fuck I even waited here for a couple of days wondering, where you were? Give me my time back in cash"he had a good reason. " I bet Boxer over there, ask you for some huh? I don't ask you for shit, all I ask of you is that you come but you never did".

"Taehun, Fuck I didn't mean to – I'm sorry, I'll pay you how much do you want? "To be honest, he wasn't sure if he's heard hobin swear before, it was sort of. . Attractive? What have they been putting into this boys mind. "Forget it"

"Do you still want me to tackle you?" He glanced towards the clock.

"Mm.. I don't know do i?"

"You seem like you wanted it"

"I don't see why not, dipshit".

Hobin stood up, one knee still on the ground, boosting himself up. He finally stood up, he rolled his neck, and cracked and popped a few joints back in place. He spread his feet apart ever so slightly, giving him a good base.

Taehun yawned bored already, "Go, Just go, I don't care about munseongs teachings". " But taehun.. You taught me this"

"Fuck up"Hobin just shook his head, he bent himself down, giving taehun a look of approval and is this okay? And he charged. He threw his arms up, and went for it. But as taehun was, he slipped past. Giving him a simple, non-harmful kick on the side of his rib. A second of contact was made, before hobin flew. "Oh that wasn't supposed to hurt, or do that, but you're all right?"he did mean to do that, he meant all of that he was mad, and still mad embarrassed even.

Hobin was on the ground, fetal position clutching his ribs,  he tried speaking but only found himself grasping and wanting, needing air. It pained him.

"Get up"Taehun demanded, he clearly saw he was in pain. Did he care? No,Not one bit, he was mad, his time gone, he knew hobin would eventually switch up on him.

He got up, finding himself uneasy. Feeling that pain him him once again this time in the face, did he just punch him? He couldn't tell, he didn't know. His eyes began to water, it hurt badly. His knees gave out on him.

"Up"His knees shook frantically, but he still stood. he got his diaphragm hit, his lungs beginning to spasm again, he was going to black out. His vision going hazy, black washed over him a cascade.


He yo! It is I Kemaui I finally got back into this account, loving the Appreciation right now!!!


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