The beginning of the end.

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A/N~guys sorry for the late update BUT OMC WE HAVE 3 CHAPTERS LEFT.

Let's do this.

~Y/n pov~

I stared at Ford in confusion.
"What do you mean-" I started,but then my eyes fell upon the catastrophe of a floor.
Glass shards lying all over the floor... and ...not to mention...the slightly more pressing matter...of an entire cache of sharp edge cutting knives that lay surrounding Ford's feet like armed guards .
Ford, full of confusion, cocked an eyebrow, looked me up and down , then slowly lowered the deadly blade that he was armed with.

Ford sighed,"You really don't know , do you?"
"Know what?" I asked.
Is he talking about the green lighting?
Did Dipper and Mabel finally remember what happened?
"Exactly", Ford replied.
Sighing in frustrated resignation.
"I have no Idea either,we will figure this all out in time ,I just need to do some further research.
Go downstairs to Dipper and Mabel and remember even though Bill can not read your mind anymore-".
"Wait...Bill can't read my mind anymore?"
Ford picked up a metal looking helmet .
"No you see I used this device to encrypt your thoughts ,I have already used it on Stan ,Dipper and Mabel and it really is a genius device-" Ford started rambling on about his invention , to the point of when I zoned out.
Then I realised "Wait what about you?"
"Oh I had a metal plate installed in my head." Ford then tapped his head 3 times.
Ford must have seen my look of absolute horror because his look of pride quickly changed to concern.
"Oh don't worry it was painful at the time but now I barely feel a thing ,I do hear a slight ringing in my ear from time to time but better safe than sorry,I'm glad I found a painless method of doing it though" he said tapping the helmet in his hands.
"I am going to review the footage and then we can figure this whole mess out, go hang out with Dipper and Mabel and I will find you when I have more information to report"
"Okay awesome, thanks"I said and as I was about to leave I thought that maybe I should tell him about the lightning.

I mean what's the harm?

I clearly needed help with finding answers.

I told him then left to find Dipper and Mabel.

They asked a ton of questions about my "date" and then we fell asleep ,but all of their questions just blurred together and I couldn't remember most of them

After all.there are bigger things to worry what if I am sleeping and my lightning fingers decide to randomly french-fry them.

Imagine waking up to the smell of bacon ,only to realise it's your dead best friends.

I thought it best to not tell them about Bill and that whole situation .

Needless to say ,I didn't sleep well that night .

I fought the urge to sleep for so long due to my uncontrollable fears but eventually the calm tide of the treacherous waters of sleep overtook me.

I had vivid nightmares that night.

I was staring at myself in the mirror,smiling.

but something
I moved my left arm ,the mirrored image reciprocated by moving theirs.

I crinkled my nose , the mirror copied.

What was off?

I mean after all it was just a mirror right?

I tried to smile wider, when I realised to my absolute shock and horror that I was never smiling in the first place.

I tried moving my mouth around but there was no change.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now