The Druid talks

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~Y/N Pov~

Mabel and I had paged through the book while Dipper was sleeping , we took his black-light and scanned the pages for hours (as Mabel had revealed to me that the author of the mysterious journal that he found had written additional information on top of what he had written already but in an invisible type of ink )

We were searching for figure out the mystery of the green lightning as well as a way to cure my dad of his craziness...
That's when we came across something called a Truth Druid.

I looked at the book "These tree-like beings are brutally honest, with knowledge of the inside universe from being alive so long, these beings are centuries old and have protected themselves from predators by disguising themselves as normal tree's,to find must make the tree fear them."

I looked at Mabel.

"How do you scare a tree exactly?"

"I'm not sure....OH WAIT , WENDY!!!" Mable screamed,startling me.

"Who's Wendy?"

"Wendy ,she's this girl , always has an axe on her...we get the axe then just start swinging it into tree's "

Wow...that was extreme , even by Mabel's standards.

After all we didn't want to hurt the druids we just wanted their help.

"Mabel...that seems a little blood thirsty-"

"Or we can go to Soos and get some TNT and blow them up!!!"


"We want answers !!! And if that cost blood...or um in their case tree sap I suppose-"

Then I heard rustling and I turned around , the tree behind me started shaking, almost as if an earthquake had hit it while we were talking, the ground started rumbling and the roots burst out from the ground , the branches untangling and contorting until it resembled a face, the leaves scurrying into eyebrows , the branches perfectly aligned resembling facial features .

Roots pushing the tree-trunk body up from the ground-

That's when I realised ,the roots were the legs,the trunk was the body and the branches were contorting into the face.

I couldn't tell if I found it beautiful or painful to watch.

I guess we found the Druid.

"S-S-Stop.H-H-H-Halt human...and...-!"the Druid said with a creepy rasping,pausing and then turning to look at me before continuing.

"-Whatever the h-hell you are" the Druid spat ,emphasising the word "you" with clear disgust and disdain.

What does that mean?

I wonder if it has to do with the lightning thing.

"What do you mea-" I was about to ask but the Druid then decided to so rudely cut me off

"Don't play dumb"the Druid replied ,venomously.

What is this guys problem?

Maybe the axe discussion scared him a bit too much.

Mabel looked at me " Clearly this guy is of no use,maybe we should...leaf him alone."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at Mable's lame pun.

"Don't you dare belittle me ,you puny,pathetic excuse for a mortal"He snapped.
This tree is really getting on my nerves.

"Hey Listen don't get your branches in a twist ,you pathetic excuse for a tree,don't make us get the axe " I said clearly annoyed.

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