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The titles tells the story
The chapters tell the truth

Y/N - stands for your name, or in this case YOU. As I want to make this book as gender neutral as possible, I will be sticking to They/Them/Their when addressing you (the reader)

E/C - stands for eye colour
H/C - stands for hair colour
H/L - stands for hair length

Your last name is Loveheart, apparently I had a reason for this when writing this book before but I have completely forgotten so I will have to come up with a new reason for this last name!

You are a half-blood [witch/wizard] about to attend your first year at Hogwarts. Your mother is a nurse in the muggle world, while your father works for the Ministry of Magic in the Ghoul Task Force. You have 1 younger and 2 older siblings. Alex, 9, Sandra, 14, and Jacob, 17. As for you, you've just turned 11 years old last week!

The story begins off on July 1st, 1992. Your 11th birthday just happened a week prior. That's when your older sister Sandra's owl, Snowflake, flew in through the window with 3 letters. One was for Sandra, who was about to enter her 4th year. One for Jacob, who was about to enter his 7th and final year. And lastly, your Hogwarts acceptance letter that you've been waiting your entire life for.

Chapters starts tomorrow :)

It All Started With a "Sorry" • Luna Lovegood x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now