Chapter 5: How 2 Love? ♥

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I kept on thinking about my dream, I.. I want to tell him how I feel and how confused I am about it, but how could I? How do I even show someone that I love them?
What if he reacts negatively?
What if he doesn't want to be anywhere near me anymore?
What if he wants to do nothing that's related to me?

I sighed feeling my eyes being watery, why do I have to be like this? I felt a squeeze around my waist, I turned my head to witness Updike hugging me with his head buried in my neck. My face must of been as red as tomato. I turned the other way, thoughts rushing through my head making me blush harder and harder, so hard that it made me whimper quietly, on accident.
"Are you ok Miss {Last name}?" Updike questioned quietly, I swear my soul left my body for a brief moment.
"Yeah, perfectly fine!" I lied, in reality I was a blushing mess that was being cuddled by the person I love so deeply. He turned me around to look at him, I stared into his eyes, he looked so adorable when he was tired, I wanted to kiss him so badly, I had to slap myself mentally reminding myself this isn't a dream.
"Are you sure, because there's a stream of tears coming from your left eye." He mumbled, his voice was filled with worry. I never even noticed I was crying, I just stayed in my place not saying a word. "Please.. {Last name}, answer me. Are you sure your perfectly fine?".
"Yeah am sure, I 'm really sure. I didn't even notice I was crying." I smiled, Updike smiled back, it felt fake, I know its fake. "But what about you." I said looking at his eyes, which still show he is still worried.
"Pardon me?"
"You heard me, what about you?"
"I'm worried, that's all." 
"Because of you, I'm extremely worried for you."
I wanted to push farther, but I didn't, I couldn't, not to him at least . "I'm sorry."
"Don't be, I chose to be worried." He smiled, truly smiled.
"Can I go back to looking on the other side now?"
"Oh yeah sure.." He said letting go, I swear I saw him blush a little before I turn. Then I fell asleep quickly.

I woke up, I didn't felt Updike's warmth, I sit up from the bed and turned my head around trying to find him. He wasn't in the room, I shouldn't even worry. He cares for me deeply, right?
I got up and went downstairs, I stopped to hear Updike talking on the phone.
"Yeah yeah I'm getting her trust so I she can be eliminated." I felt my heart break as my body went limp, he was going to kill me? "But you were right like always, making her my personal assistant was the easiest way to do this, now I got her sleeping in my bed, not knowing the death coming to her." It became difficult to breathe, I can't believe it, all he did for me was a cruel plan to eliminate me, but why? I went back upstairs to his bed, I started to tear up, why does he want to eliminate me? What have I done?
I saw my phone and I ran towards it, grabbing it quickly, I fell to the floor sobbing. I turned it on and went to my messages. I called Steven, my hands were shaking heavily. He answered, "Whats up?" He asks.
"I'm at Updike's house." I sobbed.
"Jesus, that escalated quickly." He gasped.
"He's planning to kill me, I... I have no idea why he is but he's gonna kill me Steven!" I choked.
"Oh sh*t, did you at least call the police!" Steven panicked.
"I..I haven't called the police..."
"Why, go call the police!"
"Steven... I, I just can't, I love him too much."
"He is planning to eliminate you Y/N! God please don't die just because of Updick."
"Just come here, I'm sure I can escape, bring the police just in case though.."
"Y/N.. call the police, were are you?"
"I'm at {insert any random address}."
"Now go call the cops!"
Steven hanged up, I felt my heart beating fast, I dialed '911' and the phone started to ring.
"This is the police whats your emerge-"
"Help me please, I'm begging you! I'm at my bosses house.. th...they're going to kill me.. I heard him say it.."
"Ok ma'am, whats the address?"
"{insert any random address}."
"We will be there as fast as possible, please try to stay alive and we will try to get him to confess it."
"Y-yes thank you."
The police officer hang up, I still was sobbing, I can't believe all of this was a scheme.. Then I heard footsteps coming close. My heart skipped a beat, the door opened, the cloud headed man stared at me, he didn't have the calm, relaxed look he has when he looked at me. He was holding something behind his back, I stared at him, Updike looked at me. "Oh.. You heard me, didn't you?" He tilts his head, still holding something behind his back. He walked closer with a serious face, he kicked me very hard in the stomach. I couched up a drop of blood, he picked me up and placed me on the bed,
I was shaking, he got on top of me. "You know, its a waste." He chuckled, "You were a waste, nobody liked you."
I felt more tears dripping down my face, I tried kicking him off, he was too big. "Now that's not how we treat the big fella, is it?" He said having his face closer to mine, revealing that he was holding a knife. He raised the knife in high in the air, "Lets give a little punishment." He said with the same, cold face expression, I felt pain in my left arm. His weapon had blood on it, Sirens became loud, Updike's expression was wiped off his face, replacing a face of fear mixed with anger.
"You called the police, now how naughty." He growls, "I guess we can't have too much fun, lets cut to the chase." He ladds he is. He raised the knife again and hits my chest were my heart is, I coughed up a lot of blood. "Now lets hide you." He smiles, then he kicks me off the bed, I coughed up more blood. "I'm terribly sorry but, this is for the greater good." He whispers
He drags me in a closet, then he kicks me again.
I felt so much pain. He drops the knife on the floor. He kneels down, gently placing his slightly bloody hand on my chin, tilting my head up to look at him. He smiles softly, "If things were just slightly different, we could of been with each other, if only you weren't a threat..." He whispers while he starts to tear up. "Y/N, I love you, and I hate I'm doing this." He mutters, then he kisses me, my eyes widen. I wanted to push him off but I felt so weak. He pulls away, "I'll see you soon." He smiles as he grabs a gun, and push it to my forehead, I gasp and choke on a tear at the same time.
"It was lovely knowing you Y/N, and I'm so terribly sorry."
Then he shoots while sobbing.

I screamed in pain, I was sweating, I heard rush footsteps, tears were rushing down my face, why did I have that nightmare? The door was slung open, revealing a deeply worried Updike. His face goes blank seeing me, he runs towards me, hugging me, trying his best to comfort me. "Whats wrong, listen everything is fine."
Everything wasn't fine, I was breathing heavily, I felt like there was a billion voices yelling at me.
"Tell me whats wrong"
"I feel like am d-dying..."
"Just listen to my voice ok? Breathe in and out."
I did what he told me, I tried to at least, I buried my face in his neck crying so hard. After a while I calmed down, Updyke looks at me, he looked so scared, and hes scared for me, me.
"What happened {Last name}, please tell me what happened.."
"I had a nightmare."
"Tell me about."

' ' Hello readers, here is chapter five after a trillion of years, I hope you all are happy with this, and have a good day, bye!! ' '

(Updated, dream changed cause damn its edgy, and correction of spelling Updike's name)

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