Chapter 1

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A/N: Hey guys OtakuJustin here I just decided to remake this entire story now I'm gonna say one thing I'm mostly gonna write in third person Pov and sometimes first person Pov so don't get mad at me for that but since its the first chapter I will try to write in most first person Pov

A/N: One more thing the first chapter is pretty brutal so don't get mad at me for that I just gave you a warning also this is the only time I'll write in first person POV

Y/N Pov




I woke up to the sound of birds I didn't know what it was but I felt a bit foggy it took me a while to realize that I was on the ground I got up and took a look around and it took a second for me to realize but everything was blocky I was so confused but then it hit me I realized that I can't remember anything the only thing I just remember is just my name I was trying so hard to find out why I couldn't remember who I was and what this world was no matter how hard I try but it didn't work after some time I just eventually gave up

I spent some time confusingly walking around unaware of the mysteries of this world but after some time I realized I was hungry but I shook it off because it was nothing besides hunger

after a few hours I wanted to look around more but all I did was see a bunch of animals and land there was nothing else, not a single house to be sighted but then suddenly I felt a shock of pain through my stomach

I never felt this much pain in my stomach in my life before then the shock of pain kicked in again I realized that it was because I was hungry I looked everywhere for food but I found nothing I then saw the grass and I decided to grab them but the moment I touched them they blew up into tiny particles and then disappeared I was so confused but then the pain kicked in again but even stronger I was desperate for food it

I felt like I was gonna die any second now if I didn't have food to eat I broke multiple leaves of grass hoping to get something and eventually a seed fell out of one of them I grabbed it desperately and try to eat it but my hand wouldn't move at all it was like this world doesn't want me to eat it then I felt another crack rising through my stomach I was on the verge of dying

I looked around quickly for an alternate source of food I then saw a cow and I was hesitant at first but then I felt another sharp pain rising through and out of desperation I punched the living fuck out of the cow and it got launched towards a tree and crashed into it I then ran towards it and while it was on the ground I lifted my legs and kicked its head with all my might launching it towards the tree again and then bounced off the tree and went bounced off the tree and went toward me I then raised my fist and was holding all my might and punched at it with my full strength while it was midair

The cow then landed on the ground motionless as I stared at it filled with hunger and bloodlust then it suddenly disappeared and from a pixelated piece of meat I grabbed it and shoved it in my mouth and the pain disappeared I was still hungry and I needed more food if I didn't want to go threw that suffering again

I then heard an OINK out of nowhere and look around to see a pig I stared at its cubic eyes and it stared back and while it was staring at me I raised my leg and kicked it right in the face making it get flung towards the ground it tried to get up but since it was very weakened it got up too slowly I waited for it to slowly almost get up and then I kicked it again making it stay on the ground I then got on my knees and punched it over and over repeatedly at the area where I kicked it making it do more pain since the pain will stack up

the pig slowly looked at me in the eyes and I got up and it had the face that was surprised to see me stop and tried to get up and get away but ruined its hopes and grab its head and slammed it straight on the ground and dragged it then I picked it up and with its head I threw it straight towards the tree and it bounced back due to the collision and winded up my arm and aimed it at the area where I kicked it and I smash full force at full strength at the Pig and it got knocked on the ground and disappeared and drop the pork I took it and I wanted to eat it but I thought it would be best to store it later I put it in my pocket and I looked around and looked at the tree I realized that when the pig was getting smashed into the tree it made cracks

but the cracks disappeared so I tried to test it out again and punched the tree it made a crack and then slowly healed itself I tried punching it repeatedly and soon the block broke it became a miniaturized version of itself and was just hovering there I was confused but then all of sudden it went straight towards me and disappeared I was confused not only that I was also confused on why the tree was floating but I guess this world has weird physics I kept punching the tree over and over till there was nothing left the leaves of the trees didn't become small at all it disappeared like earlier when I punched the grass but I broke all of the tree leaves and it manages to drop an apple and I ate it

I wanted to know where the wooden blocks were going and suddenly a glowing see-through screen appeared in front of me and it had a grid there were two types of grids one was a 2x2 grid and it had the word crafting above it and another one where it had a 4x9 grid and it said inventory I was shocked

A/N: Hey guys I wrote too much on this chapter so I'm gonna end it here I hope you enjoyed this remake of this new book I think it is way better but please tell me your opinions

To Be Continued

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