Chapter 44.

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"Are you finally going to tell us what all this is about?" Camila snarled. "You've been staring at my phone's screen for like ten minutes now. I'm this close to joining Rav and Talise in stalking Zavlon Academia's algorithm."

   Dorian also seemed to be wearing a frustrated expression although he didn't glance my way. It wasn't like I intended to be annoying or anything, but I just wanted to be sure that I knew what I was getting myself into before I shared my idea.

   I practically heard growls erupt from Dorian and Camila as I peered at the screen with intent for what I could say, without any shame whatsoever, was the hundredth time.

   Finally, I handed Camila her phone.

   At least I would've if she didn't claw it out of my hand first.

"Just because we can't afford a leg brace doesn't mean we still can't have one," I said. "We— well, I— can make it."

   For the past 'ten minutes', as highly exaggerated by Camila anyway, I'd made keen observations of enough leg braces to know I could make one of my own. It wasn't like it was going to be the first time, anyway. I had recreated body gear inventions in my garage in the past.

"You sure?" Camila asked me. "The ones I saw weren't the typical kinds. The motion sensor, leg warmer and other tech modifications were next level."

"Yes, she can." Dorian shocked us both by answering before I could. "If there's anyone who's capable of building it, it's Beth."

   I was having a hard time trying to stay mad at this point. Whatever he was trying to do was getting to me. But I couldn't back down now. I couldn't just ignore my vow to expose Dorian Mathers as the liar he was.

   But... I suppose not spending all my time focused on doing so wouldn't hurt. At least for now.

   And maybe it was time I became the bigger person.

"Thank you, Dorian." I was finally able to lock eyes with him without faltering since our conversation began.

"Pleasure." His tone dropped to a low whisper.

   That was all he said, but his demeanour was of one who wanted to say so much more. His eyes remained trained on mine. I couldn't bring myself to look away. Or stifle the heat from my cheeks that was spreading to other parts of my body fast.

   The sides of Dorian's face appeared tinged with a light shade of pink.


"So what's the next step?" Camila's voice was a trance breaker.

   What surged through me from her action didn't feel like relief.

"We need," I cleared my scratchy throat before trying again, "We need to draw the outline of exactly what we're going for first. Then of course scrap metal for the brace and tools a caulking gun, a welder gun, a hammer, a—"

"Where exactly can we get all this?" Camila cut me off. "You know all this costs money we don't have right?"

"I was thinking that for the tools, Talise could go to my home. But my resources do not include a welder gun. Maybe we could get it cheap somewhere."

"Actually," Tali geared her attention from her laptop to tell us. "I know a friend of a friend who works at a mechanic shop. I'm sure he can hook us up with a welder gun. Let me text him."

"Ask him whether he can give us any scrap metal too," Camila told Talise.

"She doesn't have to," I said. "I already have a place in mind for that. There's this place at the outskirts of Ridgeton where metals are piled up. I was thinking we could stop by to do some digging."

"A junkyard?"

   Dorian knew well that I was referencing Ridgeton's Mini Haven when he asked that question. The junkyard he had subtly mocked when I'd mentioned it during our conversation about the drone parts in the forest days ago.

   I ignored him.

"And how are you certain we'll get whatever we need at this place?" Rav, who had been listening all along, inquired.

   I shrugged. "I guess we'll only know when we get there."

   They would, anyway. I wasn't going to waste my time trying to convince them that everything we needed was there.

"Then what are we waiting for?" Camila clapped her hands.


"Beth, what are you doing?" Rav's voice loomed above my head.

"I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled.

   Seated next to him in the Ride taxi, I tried to take subtle breaths of air in the position I was currently in. It wasn't easy trying to pull that off though, especially since my head was bent over between my knees and my sides were squashed between Rav and Dorian as we shared the back seat.

   Now, more than ever, I envied Camila sitting next to the driver in the front. And even Talise, who couldn't come with us to the junkyard. She had a lot more on her plate now that she not only had to keep scrutinising Zavlon's system, but also visit my house to pick up the tools I'd given her a list of and go to her friend for his friend's welder gun for the leg brace.

   I felt Rav bend to my level. "You have your head between your knees and are making weird mouth sounds. Why?"

"They're breathing exercises," I argued from below. "And I'm... meditating?"

"Are you asking me or telling me?"

   This car had a prominent bleach odour that dominated the sorry excuse of an air freshener hanging on the car's rear view mirror.

   Was someone murdered here or something?

   It didn't matter anyway. I was more focused on hiding myself as the car drove past the Ridgeton District Hospital. Having memorised her schedule, I knew Mum's morning shift at the hospital had only just begun. I didn't know what I'd do if she saw me.

   Or if I saw her, for that matter.

"Where are we now?" I nudged Rav in my state.

   The hospital had to be out of sight by now, but I wasn't taking any chances. It was only when he mentioned a venue distant from the hospital after some extra nudges that I proceeded to raise my aching back.

   The grunt that erupted from my left as I arose was traced to Dorian.

"Your elbow," he murmured, keeping his gaze locked toward his side of the window.

   I was so tempted to poke him with it again right now. Just to see whether his reaction would remain impassive.. For some reason, it irked me how he didn't even throw a signature scowl my way.

   But why was I surprised? This was what Dorian did best; have a heated exchange with a person, throw her a compliment that catches her off guard and ignore the person altogether.

   The Ride vehicle pulled to a stop.

   It took a five minute walk to get to the junkyard. A wave of nostalgia washed over me when we eventually found ourselves standing before the chipped walls that seemed to stretch for miles on both sides. The narrow space between the walls, which were linked by a non-functioning "Ridgeton Mini Haven" neon sign at the top, served as our sole entrance.

   As expected, we were greeted with a technological wasteland. Ranging from molehill piles to mountain-like heaps were discarded experimental machines, tools and any other kind of technological materials you could think of. That, coupled with the dust filled ground, made the environment a replica of a post-apocalyptic universe. There were several foot paths leading to the numerous stacks of metals, plastics, among others.

"Well, guys," Rav draped both arms over the shoulders of the people closest to him. Sadly, since I was one out of two of the unlucky ones, I got an earful (more like breathful, really) of his next words loud and clear, "Let's get dirty."

A/N: And on that note, HAPPY ALMOST NEW YEAR GUYS!!!

Vote if you're excited for the new year (or not, I won't judge)! I know I am though❤️🙂🥳🥳

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