2- I Want You Back

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Funny how time flies when you're having fun...

I looked up and it was time for me to slip my wedding ring back on my finger and continue with my mundane life. While we waited for the valet to return with my car, we kissed and flirted with each other like we were back in high school. When my car finally came around the corner, I didn't want to leave him.

"I want you to stay so badly, but I know you can't." He whispered the words to me, and I was drawn back under his spell.

"I wish I could stay, too. I hate I have to go, but all good things must come to an end." I kissed his nose and sauntered away to my car, but he was close on my heels. He helped me in my car, and I felt his piercing gaze on my backside.

"Listen, I was originally in town to look at storefronts for my new business, but thanks to new matters that have risen, I think I'll be here a little longer than expected. How about we get together tomorrow for dinner?" He just had no clue what he did to me.

"We'll play it by ear."

He smiled that captivating smile, then stepped back as I drove off and didn't go back inside until I turned the corner. I started to call Jasmine to share the juicy details but decided against it since she was always such a big fan of Mike. Even worse, they went to high school with each other. Since the day we've gotten engaged to now, Jasmine lights up when Mike is around, and always goes out her way to bring attention to herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she would be hurt that I stepped out on Mike. Since Mike was out of town and I knew he wasn't home quite yet, I decided to sit in the park and do some thinking. I sat in that park for nearly two hours and almost went insane from all sorts of thoughts swirling in my mind. I told myself that I needed to give Mike one more chance to prove himself before I threw all caution to the wind and did something that I would regret later.

I decided to cook his favorite dinner and dessert, so I made a pit-stop at the grocery store before I went home to set the mood. Mike was out of town for a conference, and I knew it would be another hour before he'd be home, so I took a hot bath and rolled a little joint, a blue-moon habit that Mike can't stand. I only do it when I'm stressed, and I was surely stressed out. The more I hit the joint, the higher I became, and the madder I got. Caleb had some nerve thinking he could pop back into my life and expect a second chance just like that. I slept with him because I felt like I needed to, not because I wanted to rekindle anything. He pops up out of the blue after twelve years and brings forth all these feelings that I left in Jackson, or so I thought. The only way to forget about Caleb was to forget it ever happened, and the only way to do that is to put all that same energy into my husband.

Immediately after my bath, I straightened up the house and lit candles everywhere, then I started preparing the salmon for my big romantic dinner. I had to accept responsibility for my part in my failing marriage because I rarely showed any enthusiasm when he attempted to do things for me. For example, last year for my birthday, he bought out Disney World for three hours, and it would've been romantic had he not been on the damn phone the entire time we were there. I realized that with the type of profession he has, I have to grasp his attention, and I planned on doing that with a clean house and a romantic dinner while I'm wearing his favorite dress: a red, backless, floor-length, curve-hugging silk dress with a killer split. I was going to make tonight beautiful and attempt to awaken the spark that I know lies in Mike.

Everything was perfectly set up and I was bursting with excitement until I looked at the clock and saw what time it was. Almost midnight, and still no word from Mike. This was the shit he did that made me want to snatch myself bald. He was so selfish, and I thought it was a damn shame that a married man needed a reminder that he was married. The expensive ass wedding band that he wore on his finger should've been enough. I finally popped open the expensive ass champagne I bought and took it to the head. When I looked up at the clock, again, and noticed that it was twelve minutes to one in the morning, I staggered up the stairs to my bedroom and passed out thanks to me guzzling an entire bottle of champagne alone.

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