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There is a strong social significance towards hatred of certain things

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There is a strong social significance towards hatred of certain things.

People are predisposed in the world to live, love and grow, and just while some grow up to be extremely optimistic and forgiving, others are just pessimists — with negative dispositions that induce a tendency to hate.

So if Lisa was asked to present the list of all things she hated (or continues to hate) in her life, perhaps red would be the newest addition to the chart.

Not just any hue of red though, rather the angry, flushed shade of bright crimson red, the one that symbolised power, wealth and luxury — but in Lisa's life, the colour only exemplified her failing self esteem, her dreams of writing a best-seller dissipating in the near future.

And oh, so to add, red also happened to be the same choice of ink that a certain Kim Taehyung used to supposedly 'review' the typescript draft of her debut novel she emailed to him every month.

After sustaining herself on gallons of coffee to format the text neatly typed in the reliable Times New Roman word document, she gets called in to present herself before her boss, the senior editor to comment and discuss about the future improvements in the plot the very next day.

And of fucking course, Taehyung being the ostentatious asshole as he is, lives up to the title much for Lisa's liking; he prints the entire document out, scrutinising through each and every word in every other line and when he sees something that doesn't appeal him enough, he leaves audacious circles and dashes to criticise each and every letter.

The ink from the cartridge bleeds through the white pages, as though he had just killed the emotions Lisa had crafted ever so delicately in the phrases he just cancelled out with the gruesome amount of callousness in his heart.

Silently praying to the deities heavens above to confer her some patience to deal with the said person before her wrath murders him in cold blood, Lisa scurried her way into the headquarters of the establishment where she worked. Trudging past the rows of cubicles where the rest of the employees were busy in their work as she strode away towards the editor-in-chief's office.

With a subtle knock on the mahogany door she trailed in, her gaze directly landing on the man — the perfect impersonation of the Devil Wears Prada with the correction of Gucci for the label. A posh blazer hanging behind his office chair where he was currently seated with legs crossed, too focused on whatever rectifications he was slashing away in red ink.

"Ah, Lisa, you finally decided to show up? Haven't seen you in so long," Taehyung drawled sarcastically, mocking for her absence in the workplace the last week.

She turned towards him, shooting him a glare as he regarded her with a disinterested look. "I see you've missed my presence, haven't you, sir?" Lisa seethed, narrowing her stare at the man who sat across from her.

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⏰ Last updated: May 01, 2023 ⏰

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