What and drag, this is an title

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Menma: (Cries) [why dad, why mom. Why do you have to sacrifice yourselves for me? I should've died.]

Sasuke and Naruto: Menma don't cry. [I want to cry as well but stay strong for Menma]

Menma: Naruto Jiisan, Sasuke Jiisan, teach me chidori and rasengan!

Menma was taught those two jutsu and he mastered them quickly. He became the strongest ninja ever lived. But then. Kaguya also killed his grandparents. He got the mangekyo sharingan and killed kaguya. He had his headband his dad gave to him. His dad said it belonged to his Sasuke jii san. But there was no hope for him now. He learned the teleportation jutsu and became Hokage at the age of 12 and the strongest, youngest and smartest hokage yet.

Sage of six paths: Menma Uzumaki-Uchiha. I shall give you the power to time travel. (gives Menma two rinnegans)

Menma: Thank you Six paths.

He created a clone that is like him but never vanishes.

Menma: Time travel to one month before yondaime sama dies. [this time I will save Minato and make Naruto have a happy life.] (puts on a kitsune mask)

Menma recalled the times his grandfather showed the pain in his past and would say he is similar to him and smiled.

Menma: [this is konoha but with no security. These guards are even weaker! Let me see what is happening in the hokage tower.] (throws one of the kunai that his grandfather gave him)

Minato: What is my kunai doing here?

Menma: (teleports right into Minato's face)

Minato: Who are you and why could you use my teleportation jutsu?

Menma: I can't tell that to you. The akatsuki is going to attack in one month so that's why I'm going to help you. (vanishes)

One month later...

Minato: [this has been one month. Where is that boy? Why does he look so strangely familiar?]

Third Hokage: Yondaime! The kyuubi is attacking! Who is that boy?

Minato: (turns around)

Menma: Hello again Minato Namikaze.

Minato: Who are you?

Menma: (uses rinnegan and teleports Minato to the battlefield) (uses karma)

Minato: [how did he do that? What is that black tattoo?]

Menma: (Defeats all of them quickly but leaves obito) Obito Uchiha.......

Obito: [why does he know my name?]

Minato: Is that really you Obito?

Obito [shocked] M-minato s-sensei?

Menma: Look at what you've done! (uses talk-no-jutsu)

Obito: What have I done? I'm sorry Minato sensei! [cries]

Minato: Now Obito, It's ok. Everything will be fine.

Menma: Now Naruto should have a happy life with his parents.

Minato: How did you know everything? What is your name?

Menma: My name is Menma.

Naruto: (giggles happily at Menma) menma!

Minato and Kushina: (shocked)

Time skip 5 years

He spied on Shisui and killed Danzo before he could kill Shisui and helped Shisui use the Kotoamatsukami. The Uchiha clan forgot about the things they were going to do. Menma was called a hero. He left the village and went to see his father.

My one shots for Naruto and Boruto: Naruto Next GenerationsWhere stories live. Discover now