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The next day, the three ravens assembled at Hyunwoo's house with all the letters delivered to them

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The next day, the three ravens assembled at Hyunwoo's house with all the letters delivered to them. Along with a morse code sheet that tells them everything. Soon they began searching for clues on the letters. After hours and hours of searching, they were finally getting somewhere. 

What's been done you can undo,
with a noble act from heart, that's true

"These riddles have been getting harder lately" Yuna sighed 

"Guys, it's September 9th in 3 days..." Yeesul's voice trailed off

"So?" Yuna asked

"the day Seolhee died..." Hyunwoo answered as Yuna mouthed an "O"

"according to me, their main attack will be on 9th since you know..." Hyunwoo said

"So if we survive till 9th..." Yuna said 

"...It'll all be over" Yeesul continued 

Hyunwoo's landline started ringing and he got up to pick it up 

"Don't" Yeesul stopped him

"Yes, don't we'll come along" Yuna added. The three slowly paced to the landline and saw no one 

"Don't keep your guard down" Yeesul said and grabbed a pan while Yuna grabbed her shoe to beat the crap out of the person

"Relax guys" Hyunwoo picked up the phone and his expressions immediately tensed up and hung up

"Who was it?!" Yuna asked

"We're called at the school right now," Hyunwoo said

"What happened?!" Yeesul asked 

"I don't know, they just said to come that's all," Hyunwoo said

"Maybe this Mr. Unknown wants to kill us together"  Yeesul 

"no they wouldn't," Hyunwoo said

"You can never be too sure," Yeesul said

"We'd be covered with people, no way they'd do something," Yuna said 

"B-but what if we're the only ones called?" Yeesul protested 

"They've been playing smart this entire time, no way they'd make such a dumb move," Hyunwoo said wearing his coat. 

The three reached their school. The students were packed. Seems like everyone was called over. The staff tried to handle all the kids and escorted them to the auditorium. There stood the principal tapping on the mic checking if it worked or not. 

"Hello students, I know you must be confused as to why are you guys called here. I am here to inform you that your fellow classmate Cha Ara, was poisoned to death in our school library" the Principal said as the crowd began to whisper amongst themselves.

"Ara, why her? she did nothing" Yuna whined

"Are they trying to block all our means of information?" Yeesul asked

"seems like it, we've been taking them way too lightly time to finally know where the truth lies," Hyunwoo said completely determined to know the truth 

"According to the info I have received, there was no outsider entering our school that day, so it means that it's an insider. So if you are responsible for any of this please meet me after this is over. Remember, we will be having an investigation so if you don't want a lot of trouble then please cooperate." Principal continued 

After this announcement, everyone was questioned by the police as to where they were at that moment. The series of investigations went on for hours. 

"Yuna, Hyunwoo, and Yeesul, my office now," The principal, Mr. James said 

"What did we do?!" Yuna asked nervously 

"You are one of the smartest in our school, so mind helping us out?" Mr. James asked

"Sure sir" Hyunwoo agreed right away 

"check the recordings and inform us of any suspicious acts," Mr. James said

The recording was played. It showed the usual students. After some time, Ara came inside the library and ordered a coffee from the cafe right beside the library. A person from the cafe gave her the coffee. Their back was turned on the camera and they wore a cap so it was hard to recognize. Ara thanked her and went back to her work. She took a sip of her coffee and was normal for a while but then suddenly fainted. 

"She was poisoned," Yeesul said

"That's what it looks like, if it were that simple I wouldn't have called you guys here. We checked the coffee, there's nothing wrong with it" Mr. James said 

"Did she have any medical conditions?" Yuna asked

"None, her blood reports show poisoning. But there were no signs of them at all" Mr. James said 

"It can be that she was poisoned before and it took effect at the library," Hyunwoo said

"Yeah and maybe it was timed so that people think that its the waiter who poisoned her" Yuna guessed

'You are absolutely correct, but thing is Ara was busy in an event today and has been under the eyes of everyone so there is no way someone could do that" Mr. James said

"Mr. James, can I take a look at the book she was reading?" Yuna asked and her request was fulfilled

"Look at this" Yuna said as she showed a small purple stain on the book.

"Paper cut, she had a paper cut and the poison seemed to have gotten into her blood" Hyunwoo concluded 

"Paper cut, she had a paper cut and the poison seemed to have gotten into her blood" Hyunwoo concluded 

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