07. A Reunion, Pt. 2

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Nari wondered if the thought of meeting the boys made her a lot more paranoid, because she hadn't even made it halfway to her second-year classroom when someone tapped her on the shoulder and she turned around, fully expecting it to be either Beomgyu, Taehyun or Kai.

Instead, she was met with the smiling face of a girl she seriously didn't expect to see, for real. "Ryu Sohyun!" she exclaimed, face lighting up immediately. "How have you been? I missed you!"

"I've been doing great!" she beamed, throwing her arms around Nari. She pulled back and studied Nari's face. "You, on the other hand, look sleep-deprived."

"I am," she admitted, her hand going to touch the bags beneath her eyes. In her haste and anxiety, she had forgotten about covering those up, but she supposed it didn't matter much. "Just an overflow of assignments and working overtime. What allows a beauty like you to look so flawless?"

"Here's a secret: makeup and tricking my fiancé into making breakfast for me so I don't have to wake up earlier than I want to," she said conspiratorially in a loud whisper. "He's an angel."

"Oh, wow, congratulations! You've always scored the boyfriend material guys before I do, haven't you?"

"Thank you, but you mean to tell me someone as attractive as the lovely Kim Nari is still single?" Sohyun asked in disbelief. "Why?"

"I don't know," she laughed. "But I may or may not be taken in a while..."

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"There's this guy I knew when I was younger," she said, embarrassed. "We kind of fell out but today we're meeting up to work things out, I guess. I'm not sure how, but we're trying...?"

"This guy better be cute," Sohyun declared. "An enchanting girl like you deserves a boy just as enchanting."

"Trust me, he's adorable," Nari grinned, imagining Taehyun's pouty scowl if he heard her say that.

"Sohyun, we'll have to hurry up and go soon," a man came up behind her and slung an arm around her shoulder. "Your mother wants to talk to us about the wedding. Something about making it prettier than your plan."

"That woman," Sohyun grumbled, looking at Nari, who was standing frozen. "What?"

"Uh..." was all she could say as she stared into the handsome face of Choi Beomgyu. "I'm...hi?"

"Wait a minute, Kim Nari?" Beomgyu exclaimed. "Is that you? Oh my god, it's been so long! How are you holding up?"

"You...I mean, aren't you supposed to be mad at me?"

"You were twelve years old," he said dismissively. "It's not important."

"But I continued to ignore you," she persisted. "I said as much in my letter, and I know you got it. It's just—I was being stupid, over...oh, dear, now you know."

"I'm so lost," Sohyun announced. "What is going on? How do you two know each other?"

"We were childhood friends, when we were around twelve years old," Nari said quietly, "and I ended up being a horrible friend to him. I sent him a letter to...to apologize, I suppose."

She glanced at Beomgyu, who didn't contest this. "And I told him I would meet up with him here. I did not expect for you two of all people to be engaged."

"Wait, is Nari the girl who started to ignore you for no reason?" Sohyun cried. "Kim Nari? She's so not the type to do that!"

"But I did, with a reason, however stupid it was," Nari said. "Sohyun, would you mind leaving us alone for a while? We need to talk about it."

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