The start of Little boy Part1

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Once lived Little boy named Vid ha was really small with Big dreams in his mind.He lived with his mom in small appartment.Mom worked as teacher in Vid's school.She teached math so students didnt liked her cuz noone liked math,so Vid was not very popolar he had 2 friends named Mark.They were Best friend since kindergarten.In school Vid
was the smallest even the girls were bigger then him.The smallest girl in class was taller then Vid for 10cm.Vid had always dreamed to be basketball player.He was training basketball for 4years and he wasnt something special.His couch didnt like him cuz he was small he didnt even let him play,even tho Vid was best on team.Every morning Vid waked up and had to go to school with bus.Him and his mom didn't  have car so they both went with bus.Becuse of that Vid got bullied and he could take it anymore but with more pain he was happier with each day he was sad inside but on outside he was happy.Vid got bullied so hard but he knew when he finish school this will end so he continued to go to school .He took all the bad words with smile.The school ended and Vid relesed all his pain and anger.So he worked each day to make his dreams true to finnaly showed them with who they messed.His schoolmates watched anime and thought they gonna get some miracle and get strong.Vid worked soo hard he was training his skills in basketball and he was getting stronger each day.The bullies went to watch him and they were making fun of him even his 2 friends.That hurted Vid even more so he trained even harder.The school started again and noone would bully him anymore he was so strong he could beat whole class by himself but he didnt want revange becuse he knew thats not right he didnt want to be like that.He didnt train to fight his bullies he had something bigger in his mind he trained get to NBA when he gets older.Vid was only 15 but noone knew for him.So Vid have to prove himself to them.They had match and Vid said to his couch "Let me play,I will make us win".His couch laughed and said ok lets see.Vid scored 52 points that game.Couch was impressed they got too finalls and Vid could finally play his hard work finally paid of.All this sweat,all this hours paid of.But people started to hate him they said he was lucky.That he was born with a talent.The finalls came and Vid played.They start playing and in first  5 minutes the other team is leading by 20 points and then Vid had enough and scored 21 points.He was just about to score another one but the opponents player bumped to him with all his strengh and broke his leg.Vid could play for 10 months.They lost in finalls.The people were happy that Vid didnt won they said he got what he deserved.His mom also died 12 months after the finalls so he stopped playing basketball forever.Ten years past and Vid had wife and one 4 years old boy.Boy wanted to be basketball player but then Vid rememberd he once played basketball he had breakdown after his mom died while she was going off bus and some guy robbed her and murder her.Vid was so sad he went somewere alone and he took his life.His son and mom didn't have a lot of money.His dad just took his life.His son finally started going to kindergarten he didnt went before cuz his dad went to work and mom took care of him.But now mom finded Job in school as teacher.In kindergarten he met 2 friend both named David...U know how it goes after

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 31, 2021 ⏰

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