
557 13 1

Nudge nudge

"Hey...stop it..."





Sniff sniff

I groaned, my head aching with pain and my body sore from the fall. I slowly placed my hands steadily on what felt like metal, bringing myself to sit up as I opened my eyes. The light at first was a little blinding, but it didn't take too long for me to get used to it. I dropped what I had on my hand and clutched my head tightly, letting the pain very slowly and gradually subside.

Suddenly, I felt someone pounce on me and lick my face. I glanced now to find the puppy wagging its tail and whining as it nuzzled me and licked me.

"Puppy-...Puppy stop-" I stammered, getting it off me and placing it on the ground. I blinked a few times, now realizing that the metal that I felt was in fact the Raptor's back. Razor thankfully was breathing steadier than before and he wasn't bleeding anymore. Still, he was unconscious.

It suddenly hit me that we were supposedly surrounded by KSI prototypes, and my eyes quickly darted around.

Only to find their heads and parts scattered all over the place.

"GAAAH!" I screamed as something nudged me, causing me to stagger back and attempt to get my weapon from the ground (the thing I had been holding earlier). I breathed rapidly as my eyes landed on what had nudged me.

A huge leopard with a galaxy pelt, rammed horns, six eyes and six limbs was staring straight at me with the most innocent of faces.


Before I could react, it started purring and flicking its tail happily as it rubbed its head against my chest. I looked at it quizzically before I felt yet something else rub its head against my back. I craned my neck slightly to admire yet another creature that seemed to have come out of a fantasy book staring at me and whining happily, yapping like a fox as I set my eyes on them. 

The creature looked like a fox, except that it was twice my size and had three tails and butterfly wings of pink, purple, mint green and light blue colors. It also had dark purple antlers on his head, and a pair of golden yellow eyes. Its pelt was white and dark blue, and its legs were thinner than a normal fox's. 

Their eyes though, as they seemed to squeak and look at me...


The fox-like creature now made a type of chirping noise as she nuzzled my chest and seemed to purr. The galactic leopard -whom I assumed was Rory- began to purr as well and nuzzle my back. I breathed heavily. I couldn't believe it was them.

"So you both...were the ones that..." I trailed off as I gave a quick glance at the dead KSI copies.

The puppy yapped and successfully jumped to my lap, then proceeded to hide again in my bag. I gently moved Rory's head out of the way as I wobbly stood up, leaning into Arya.

"Well I guess my friends were're quite deadly..." I chuckled, "I guess you need more ferocious names"

Arya chirped in agreement and Rory purred and huffed as he picked up the unconscious Raptor, who was roughly 1/3 of his size. He was almost the size of a human kid for Rory and Arya. So yeah, pretty small.

"Err...take me to the humans?" I asked, not sure if they knew where he was, but Razor needed a medic...should we split? These guys can take on the KSI prototypes without a problem...

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