The Actual End

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~Your Pov~

I'm staring at the screen in front of me still trying to process what happened.

Whilst staring at the screen...I felt confused...

Remembering the past chapters...the mirror...the lightning...the thunder...the chanting..

There was a I couldn't process the connection.

I felt...numb and confused.

It felt real.

I thought it was all real.

Sitting here in front of the screen, now reminded that...I was a third party...observing a Y/N fanfiction wasn't real.

The sickening realisation that I...was observing myself...watching myself...when my actual self wasn't even least not in that fake world.

My head feels light...why does it feel like the characters were trying to warn get back to actual felt like what they were trying to tell me was real...when in reality they aren't real...none of it is.

The entire book was hinting that book itself wasn't real.

The screaming at the heavens...the mirror...the chanting...This is not real.

The message from Bill Cipher..."Reality is an illusion."

In part...maybe the only real thing to gather from that that very for a reader...a reality is nothing but a series of illusions.

When Gravity Falls (Dipper X reader X Gideon X reader X Bill)Where stories live. Discover now