Another Chipped Memory

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Hi ig im back for a bit (a/n)
Chose to not write everything that happens since this would be much longer
Also some pictures don't have a gb version so the original is good enuff
Y/N's POV:

Recently I felt like I've been forgetting something important.... no, someone important.  Though I can't quite place my finger on who...
I wonder why
It feels a bit like I lost a piece of myself
But why?
I never had any childhood friends when I was younger, I think.
Honestly I get a headache trying to remember my childhood now
Why do I even....

"Y/N! Y/N!"
"Huh?" I look up to see Naruki calling me.  I was a bit surprised by the yelling.
"What are you spacing out for?!  We don't have all day y'know!" He spoke sharply
"Ah, sorry Naruki-Kun." I give a small smile before looking down at the poem on my desk.
Picking up the poem and exchange it, before reading the new poem quietly.
At some point I looked up and my eyes met Moniko.
He gave me a small wave and a smile, of course I smiled back but suddenly making eye contact made me a bit embarrassed as I looked back at the poem.
Right, the festival's coming up soon.  I should concentrate on that instead.
Though part of me feels a bit uneasy, an I don't know why

After reading the poem I handed it back to Naruki, slightly concerned by the poem
"So... the poem Amy likes Spiders seems to be pretty negative? It's.... well the writer feels pretty frustrated."
"Yeah, the message should've been straightforward in this poem. I doubt have to explain it. Like, anyone would atre that the subject of this poem is an ignorant jerk.... Everyone has some kind of weird hobby, or a guilty pleasure.  Something that you're afraid if people find out, they'd make fun of you or think less of you.... But that just makes people stupid!  Who cares what someone likes, as long as they're not hurting anyone, and it makes them happy?  I think people really need to learn to respect others for liking weird things... Such as the two guys in this very club, whom I respectfully won't name.  Kind of ironic that even in my one place of comfort, I can't even have people respect me.... Jeez, now you're making me complain too much!"
Wow.... you have a lot to say about this poem, Naruki
My eyes can't help but glance around a bit, wondering who, before looking back at Naruki
"Well, I respect you Naruki."
"Well— I guess... thanks..."

Soon after I was reading a book Yuki recommended, which he happened to buy two.
"'The portrait of Markov'? What an interesting title." The ominous eye symbol on the book sends a shiver down my spine. As expected of a horror novel.
"Mhm. It's basically about this religious camp that turned into a human experiment prison... and the people trapped there have this trait that turns them into killing machines that lust for blood. But the facility gets even worse, by selectively breeding people by cutting their limbs and affixing them to— o-oh, that might be a bit of spoilers.... But anyways, I-I'm really into it!... The book, I mean.  N-Not the thing about the limbs..."
I'm not going to judge you after Naruki's poem but what the hell are you reading?
I  wonder if I could stomach the book as I don't often read extremely gorey horror books
Also the clarification that he's into the book and not the limbs...
Well that does tell me who one of the people Naruki was referring to as 'Amy'

"That's... kind of dark?"
"Ah— are you not into that sort of thing, (Y/N)?"
He seemed nervous now
I guess it makes sense he'd read the more mature yet graphic novels
He seems a bit like the 'quiet kid' and appears more mature
"No no, it's not that. I just don't often read these kinds of stories. But I can definitely enjoy them, so don't worry about it." I assume Yuki, he just opened up so it'd be bad if he immediately closed off because of this.
"I hope so..."
What a contrast from the timid guy
He seems to be really passionate about the story too
"It's the kind that challenges you to look at life from a strange new perspective.  When horrible things happen not just because someone wants to be evil... but because the world is full of horrible people, and we're all worthless anyways."
"Then suddenlyyyyy̴̢̹̲̠͉͉̹̮̐̔̒̈͗͆̋ẏ̶̥͖͈̙̮̓͑͘̕y̵̜͙͉̯̿͂̑̈́̔̋y̴̼̥̰̼͌ỳ̸̢̤́͑̍̑̈́̈́͂͝ỳ̷̨̻̯̼̹͠y̸̢̯͙͖̺̝̼̋̿y̸̢̨͍̰͘̕y̵̧͕͍̪̻̹̲̺̫̚͜ȳ̵̠̱̹̬͙̊̄̽̑̑͝y̷̠͉͇͇͖̘͔͙̭̍̀̅̉̆̈̏͝y̷̤͔͐̔͂̈́̌͌͑̀̚ I'm.... I'm rambling, aren't I...?  Not again.... I'm sorry...."
I was a bit taken aback for a moment so I just sat there, blinking without a response
"Hey, don't apologize..!  I (uh) haven't lost interest or anything!" I panic a bit now
"Well.... I guess it's alright then...."
I give the slightly fidgeting man a smile
What was that....

"I feel like I should let you know I have this problem... when I let things like books and writings fill my thoughts..." Yuki continues to talk and I listen quietly
"My whole body gets incredibly (incomprehensible)"
What did he say? He spoke too fast for me to....
"I kind of forget to pay attention to other people.... so I'm sorry if I end up saying something strange! And please stop me if I start talking too much!"
"That's... I really don't think you need to worry.... that just means you're passionate about reading" I think
Maybe a little too passionate but who am I to judge?
Plus he's kinda hot so it became a bit more forgivable....

"The least I can do is listen. This is a literature club after all." I continue as I give Yuri another reassuring smile
"Ah— that's.... well that's true...." He seemed a bit embarrassed now, fiddling with his ponytail
"In fact, I might as well start reading, right?"
"Y-Yes!" He seemed extremely excited for a moment that I saw a flash of red, yellow, and black on him

" He seemed a bit embarrassed now, fiddling with his ponytail"In fact, I might as well start reading, right?""Y-Yes!" He seemed extremely excited for a moment that I saw a flash of red, yellow, and black on him

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Huh... I think hallucinating, maybe I'm just seeing things
I wonder if binge gaming and a slight lack of sleep did anything
"I-I mean... you don't have to, but....!" He says, immediately growing nervous shortly after speaking
I give a chuckle to laugh it off, hoping it'd lessen his nervously tense mood
"What are you saying?  Let me just get the book." I say, getting out of my seat now
He seemed to be embarrassed now, going silent and averting his eyes with slightly increasing sweat rolling down his cheek

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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