Chap 1

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'Dear Carson,

Long 1st day of traveling. I'm glad you convinced me to go, even though I'll really miss you.

Love, Faith.'

A few days later

'Dear Carson,

Saw some amazing sights today, wish you could've seen them! Reminds me of our picnic. I hope you're doing well, along with everyone else.

Love, Faith.'

Another few days later

'Dear Carson,

I've arrived at a town with a post office, so I'll be able to mail these letters. I'll be at another town soon, so hopefully, I'll be able to get a letter from you. It'll be nice to hear from you.

Love, Faith.'

Few days later

'My dearest Faith,

It was so nice to get your letters. Things are doing fine here. The big talk is who Elizabeth will choose as a potential boyfriend: Lucas or Nathan. I think it honestly could be Lucas. Nathan would just cause her to worry over and over again over whether or not he'll make it home alive, like Jack. (God rest his soul). Jesse and Clara's wedding day is almost here, I wish you could be here for it.

Love, Carson.'

A while later

'Dear Carson,

Thank you for the letter! Glad everyone is doing fine. I hope Elizabeth chooses wisely. I wish I could've been there for the wedding as well, I bet it was so beautiful. Don't mind me asking this, but, do you think WE could someday get married? I've sort of imagined myself being married to a great guy, he WOULD have to accept me to keep working though, and you're a great guy who would definitely support me to keep working. Gotta go.

Love, Faith.'

'My dearest Faith,

Thank you so much for the letter! We recently had a scare with chicken pox, thank goodness it wasn't very serious! It's okay to ask me about marriage. I've never really thought about marriage that much, so it's okay to ask me if you want. It would be interesting to keep exploring our relationship before we really get serious about marriage. Keep writing when you can!

Love, Carson.'

A while later

'Dear Carson,

Thank you so much for your letter, as always, I love your letters, makes these traveling days seem less lonely. (I'll be arriving soon, in like another week or so.). Yeah, I guess it IS too soon to think about marriage. It's just a nice thought. Hope everyone back home are doing fine!

Love, Faith.'

'Dear Carson.

Well, I've safely arrived at my destination. And it's amazing here! I'm very excited to start classes. I miss you, and hope you're doing well.

Love, Faith.'

'My dearest Faith,

So glad to hear you've arrived! And it'll be nice to hear calls from you when you can. The latest here at home is, that Elizabeth was really worried about Nathan, even hugged him when she thought he had been injured. So, who knows who she'll choose at this point.

Christmas will be coming soon. I hope you're doing well.

Love, Carson.'

Later on

'Dear Carson,

It's been a little while since I've last written. I love calling you! Classes are tough, but effective. I'll be thinking about a lot this Christmas. I hope everyone has a great holiday.

Love Faith.'


EndNote: I have no idea what this show's timeline is, so if I got it mixed up, apologies.

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