♡ Chapter 3 ♡

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Sang-woo sighed heavily as he leaned against the door. He was both confused and embarrassed by his sudden action. He's never been the type of person who'd let his emotions take control.

After a while though, he came to the conclusion that he'd make a fool out of himself if he would keep on wasting his time, worrying about something as stupid as this and went to his bedroom.

Later in his bed, Sang-woo found himself feeling severely uncomfortable as he shifted back and forth on the soft mattress. He was tired, very tired. Who wouldn't be after having to go through all that just to be sent home with nothing. Don't get him wrong, he was grateful to Gi-hun for saving him, but sadly the only thing he had saved Sang-woo from was the cold death which was the least thing he had to worry about.

Even worse than considering his decision to take his friend's hand a regret, was the thought of him feeling the way Sang-woo did in this very moment. Needless to say, the smartest choice Gi-hun could've made was leaving the game alone with the money but of course the only thing he worried about was someone else. Not only someone, but the person he wanted to kill so bad only a second ago. His opponent. The selflessness this man held was beyond everything. It made Sang-woo sick.

CW: v0m1ting

So sick, he could have thrown up which he eventually did after rushing to the bathroom and kneeling down in front of the toilet. His head was aching and his vision went blurry. He could hear someone talking tensely but before he was able to figure out what the person was actually saying, he fainted.

-- time skip --

After opening his eyes slowly, Sang-woo took a look around, at his surroundings, soon realising he was in his bed again. His eyes widened when he felt arms wrap around his body. "Don't ever scare me like that again." Gi-hun frowned a bit. Tears were streaming down his cheeks, his eyes turned puffy, he looked like a mess overall.

The younger gently patted his head, being unsure of what else to do or say. It's been a while since he received a hug. To his surprise, he enjoyed it quite a lot. It brought warmth and comfort to his cold, empty body. Unfortunately Gi-hun pulled away pretty quickly, wiping the last few tears that have been running down his face.

"Are you hungry? Thirsty? Anything I can help you with?" The older asked, seemingly nervous.

"Not really. I think it's the best if I get some sleep now. You should too." Sang-woo stated.

"Oh, well then, good night!" The older kindly said, only receiving a little hand gesture in response.

Sitting down on the couch, Gi-hun hugged his legs, resting his chin on his kneecaps. Due to what has just happened he couldn't fall asleep. He was afraid that it might happen again and he wouldn't be able to help this time, so he stayed up.

Instead of blankly staring into the air, he decided to look around his friend's apartment a bit. He's never actually been there. Well obviously since they weren't in touch for years and he wasn't even aware of the younger being in Korea.

However, exploring Sang-woo's apartment, he found it to be quite.. empty? Not literally empty of course, there were some decorations put up, but all of them looked so bland and meaningless. As if no one was actually living there and it was still for sale.

Gi-hun grinned. Exactly how I would've imagined Sang-woo's place to be like.

As he continued observing one of the shelves a little box pierced his eye. Carefully, he took it out of the shelves and noticed how lightweighted it actually was, it didn't make much noise either when he shook it.

He was hesitant to open it but out of curiosity he chose to do so. I'm sure Sang-woo won't mind if I'll just take a quick glance.

Slowly taking the lid off, some old pictures were exposed to him. Gi-hun beamed as he was viewing the photos of them when they were younger, feeling relieved knowing that the other had thought of him at least a bit while they were seperated.

After he had pulled out all the photos he noticed a little piece of paper at the bottom of the box which appeared to have been torn from a letter because the only thing written on it was the phrase

' You'll forever stay in my heart, no matter how far we are apart.'

- Sang-woo

Gi-hun wondered who it was that his childhood friend was writing to. Did he have a partner he never told me about? Or does he still have one? He thought to himself, furrowing his eyebrows. He wasn't sure why he became upset reading it. Maybe because the younger has never told him about this. Who knew.

I'm so sorry it took me so long to update this, I've been really busy with school.
However, I truly hope you all are doing well and that you liked this chapter!

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