Part-3: The Wedding

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Hello 👋 how you all I hope you all good and enjoy your New year

Happy New Year 🎉 We wish you a safe and healthy 2022 !!

Ending 2021 with BTS and starting 2022 with BTS is the only way to do it 🙂
Now enjoy your story

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(After that day the preparation of wedding start. Y/n tried too many dresses but its her wish to wear Indian dress coz it's her mother's dream to see her daughter as a Indian beautiful bride so she took permission to wear it nd gladly they agreed. Now The wedding will be western but only y/n going to wear INDIAN LEHNGA (INDIAN BRIDE OUTFIT) instead of Gown.)

[Time skip two days before wedding]

(Jisoo discussing about wedding program to BTS nd Y/n when she talked about kissing part y/n startled nd spun about it. She has never kissed anyone before so hesitate to doing it nd also don't want Taehyung be her first kiss.)

Jisoo: Y/n look u have to kiss Taehyung this is important for wedding.
Y/n: I know but I never kissed anyone before.
(BTS nd Jisoo all give her "WTF" look which made y/n embarrassed)
Y/n: Whatt!! Why u all looking at me like this, Am not the the only one here who haven't kiss.. ryt?
(She look everyone waiting to anyone voting with her but no one did they still staring her)
Yln: Ok Fine I'm the only one perhaps but so what! It's not a big deal ryt?

Jisoo: It's a big deal girl coz kissing is a important part of wedding so now u have to practice with Tae coz it's a big thing nd world will have eye on u both that time so this shouldn't be wrong.

Y/n: What!!! No but I don't want to....
(She was still denying nd now Taehyung got pissed off )
Taehyung: Oh like am dying to kiss u hhhh... (He said in a sarcastic way while rolling his eyes) U just need practice so kiss anyone I don't care.
Jisoo: Ok y/n then practice with anyone Tae will kiss u only on wedding day.

(Y/n was still tensed coz it's a big deal for her but not for others so Jimin grabbed her attention by clapping his hands nd said)
Jimin: Ohkkk here we go now... Y/n u can practice with me. I'm a good kisser nd teacher. (He said while proudly upping her collars)
Jungkook: Oh plz no way.... Y/n whom u wanna practice with choose by urself but if u like I can do that too. (He asked her bit shyly but y/n still in her thoughts while they talking)

Jimin: Ok Jungkook-ah let's play rock paper scissors.
Jungkook snapped his fingers nd said " Yes that's a good idea"
Suga: What stupidity is this u both playing rock paper scissors for kissing Taehyung's wife.
(He said with givin them a disgusted look but they didn't pay attention to him nd start playing where Y/n's mind stuck on her that day memory when Soobin proposed her nd wanted to kiss her. She was in her thoughts when Jungkook won nd sit next to Y/n he lean to her when she came out in her sense nd saw Jungkook leaning towards her she moved back her face a bit putting her hands on Jungkook's chest to prevent him.)

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