Chapter 4-Red Liquids And Bombs

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   The mates didn't trust Smartie, but they need to save their boss, they free the explorers. Then, the explorers followed the mates to the Rubic City hospital and saw the green slimy monster lying on the bed. Smartie said," We're very sorry to make your throat hurt. We have a medicine, and it can cure you. Do you want us to help?" The boss said," If it really can, then ok," 

   Then, Smartie pulled out a bottle of red liquid and he poured it to the boss' mouth. The boss drank it and suddenly, the boss' face was as red as lava and he was on fire. The boss tried to pur water on his face, but he was so hot that he was burned. The mates were very angry and they chased them. Smartie pulled out a ball, which look like a bomb. He threw it to the mates and then were also burned. They all stopped and Smartie said," They are my super inventions." Tereck was so proud of Smartie that he bought 50 bottles the red liquid. Tereck also bought 25 bombs and forget their mission." Oh my! These are super!" But he accidentally dropped a bomb and the ground exploded." Noooooooooo!!!" cried Tanguy, as he cried." Tereck has turned in ash!" 

   Suddenly, they heard a cry in the hole which Tereck bombed. It was Tereck, which he hadn't turn into ash, and he had found a lot of golds, emeralds, rubies, diamonds and a lot of treasures! " Hey guys!" he said," This hole, owns al lot of treasures! Quick, come in and we'll be ultra rare!" Everybody was so happy. They jumped into the hole and indeed, was a lot of gold. Smartie took his giant bag out and they put all the treasures inside the bag. 

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