Chapter 14 - your right..I do have feelings for her..

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Croissant POV:

I decided to go to the sandwich shop to talk to sandwich cookie again, I wanna ask her why I feel weird around Cappuccino. "Hey croissant! Welcome back!" She said happily "yeah hey sandwich.." "what's wrong?" She tilted her head to the side. "I've been have certain feelings around Cappuccino lately and I was wondering if you would help me out." She gasped and immediately stopped what she was doing and walked over to me quickly. "Sooo how does she make you feel?" She said with a smug expression.

"Well to start off, I feel like I have butterflies in my stomach whenever I'm around her, a few days ago I snuggled close to her as well, I felt my heart race when I did that, sometimes I can't think straight when she's around! (A/N: Ha! Gay-) and it isn't a bad thing at all, I like- no I love it when she makes me feel that way! It drives me crazy when I have to leave her or when she has to leave me. Whenever we are both together, just the two of us, and nobody else, I feel all soft and warm inside, I wanna hold her close to me as possible...and when she runs her hand in my hair she makes me feel all giddy, like I want her to keep doing it, it makes me feel calm and relaxed. Oh and the way she looks too, she's so adorable and shy, she loves doing all nighters, takes her studies seriously, she even takes care of me...even if it's just a tap on the shoulder, I melt at her touch, I become all puddy in her hands, wanting her to hold me more....gosh sandwich cookie..what is she doing to me?" I said while daydreaming about Cappuccino.

"Whoa- you got bit by that love bug quite strong also calm down before you drool all over the counter about you girlfriend ~" I shook my head and covered my face a little. "She's not my girlfriend." "Not yet ~ admit you love her!" she sang a little "bro I don't love— OH MY- your right, I do love her." My face then turned beat red as an thought about me and Cappuccino being girlfriends. "FINALLY!! MY SHIP HAPPENED! Gosh you took so long to figure that out!" She shook me by the shoulders a lot. "Whoa whoa! Wait what do I do now?" I said "Well Stop waisting your time here and ask her to hang out dummy!" She said excitedly. "Okay okay! I'll do it! Maybe I could ask her to go shopping with me?" "YES YES YESS! Doitdoitdoitdoit!" She said quickly.

I then grabbed my phone from my pocket and dialed her number. "Hello? Croissant?" Cappuccino answered. Oh I'm so glad to hear her soft tired voice instead of sandwich yelling at me. "H-hey Cappuccino I was wondering if you'd wanna come to the store with me and buy an appropriate outfit for me, sense I'm the director now." I said "oh sure! When tho?" She asked "ah um how about tomorrow?" I said nervously "okay! I'll mark it on my calendar! See you tomorrow ~ " she sang happily and hung up.

"Bro, she said yes-"

"AYYY LETS GOOOO!!" Sandwich cookie said loudly "wait- gotta tell hero!"

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