laughing jack x trans male/nb reader

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This is not smut nor even romantic its jsut comfort lol
Also tw: there is definitely some slight transphobia

You were at the carnival with your siblings and your dysphoria was hitting especially hard today.
You were about to go on a ride when your sibling dead named you again, you corrected them but they just acted like they didn't hear you.

You tried to ignore them but the anger just built up inside as you ran away "oh come on d/n, god she's fucking overdramatic."
You ran far zip zagging through the crowd, when you noticed you weren't in the carnival anymore, you were buy some dense woods and decided that would be a good place to hide.

You ran just far enough in so you wouldn't get lost but they wouldn't find you.
You didn't cry since you were used to it by now, you just sat and thought through.
After awhile you started to hit your thigh blaming yourself, calling yourself mean things over and over when you heard a twig snap.

You looked over to see a tall clown man with a pointy nose, decorated in black and white patterns. "What are you doing here, shouldn't you be over there?" You asked pointing towards the carnival while he sat down with you "and what about you?"
He asked and you just looked at the ground kicking some leaves.
You didn't want to talk to anyone else but you didn't want him to patronize you the way adults do.

"I understand, ill leave you now." He said as he got up to walk away before you said "no, its ok, I'm just not in a talkative mood but you seem.. nice, i want to be around someone nice right now if thats ok with you." He nodded and smiled as he sat down with you.
"Oh i have just the thing!" He said with a pointed long finger.

You raised an eyebrow when he pulled out some balloons.
You watched as he blew them up and formed them into (fave animal) your eyes lit up as he handed it you. "I, how did you know?" You asked and he pointed to the key chain that hung on your phone case and he smiled "oh ya."
"Thank you, i uh never caught your name?" You asked. "Oh jack, laughing jack to be exact, and you are?"
"Oh I'm y/n." And he lit up.

"You know I've always like the name y/n, i think it suits you very well." You smiled knowing you had picked it yourself but he didn't.
"Well do you want to talk about why your in the woods y/n?" He asked and you sighed.
"Well there's this thing about me, i-I'm trans and i-  no one, they never care, they all look at me differently or don't see me the way i wish people would, i just wish it was different, i wish i was never born, then my mom would have the perfect (whatever your sibling is good/gifted at) kid, and not a-a freak, why do i go through every day when I'm just seen as a freak."

You started crying and hid your head in your knees. Repeating to yourself "I'm a freak, I'm a freak, I'm a freak" over and over in your head.
He stood up, you were expecting him to leave but he held put his hand.
"Y/n, do you know anyone here who has made you feel like that?" You nodded as you stood up. "Why?" You asked and he smiled, "you'll see follow me."

You walked back to the carnival and pointed out a girl who had picked on you since middle school.
Jack pulled out a water balloon and threw it at her while you to ran away laughing. "Ok who's next?

After you had water ballooned everyone you could point out you told him about one more person.
He got the biggest one out, it was black and smelled like rotten eggs.
He saw the worry in your eyes but responded "This won't hurt him/her, just make them smell really bad and make them trash their clothes, you cannot get this shit out, I've tried." You laughed "perfect!" You said as he handed it to you. "You do the honors y/n."
Your eyes lit up as you took the balloon.

You threw it and it them dead on as you pulled back into the hiding spot cracking up. "What the fuck, great, let's just find d/n and go home." They shouted
Jack pouted as he looked at you "oh I'm so sorry y/n i didn't know that would be the reaction." You brushed it off and smiled.
"Thats ok, jack, thank you for cheering me up tonight." You smiled and he hugged you as you hugged him back.

You walked back to your family expecting to see him as you looked back but didn't see him, you brushed it off and left in one of the nastiest car rides home you can remember.

After a couple days you got a message from your friend
F/n: bro (list of everyones names from the carnival) all got the clap lmaoo i cannot wait for next month when school starts.

You laughed so hard you almost passed out, that bastard clown somehow gave them all an sti from water balloons
Best carnival ever.

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