4.8 | the aftermath

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after the hospital, the two didn't return to school; riki went home and jungwon went back to his own house not wanting to see anyone at all.

hyunjin was worried for both the boys and told them to call her if they needed something.

jungwon opened the door to his house, feeling numb and lifeless. his eyes were red and he was sniffling. he took off his shoes and he saw his mother come out of the kitchen

"jungwon?" his mother questioned, "you're supposed to be at school right now-"

jungwon ignored his mother and proceeded to go up the stairs and into his room, slamming the door shut.

his mother was shocked at this as jungwon had never ignored her but she was also worried because she could see his red eyes. she quickly went up the stairs and stood outside his room. she knocked on the door, leaning against it, "jungwon sweetie..what's wrong?"

but the boy didn't answer. she sighed, "i'm coming in" she opened the door and saw the boy on his bed with his back facing her.

she walked over to his side and sat on the edge of his bed as she saw the boy quietly crying.

"jungwon..what happened?"

he didn't respond for a little before he finally was able to choke out a few words, "a-ayame..she..she passed away"

"ayame??" his mother immediately was saddened by his words, "she passed away?"

"s-she killed herself..she..jumped off a building last night.." he muttered through his sobs and tears

"oh my god..jungwon" his mother pulled him up from bed and hugged him tightly but jungwon didn't have the energy to hug back and just cried into his mother's shoulder

"she's gone mom..s-she's gone..it's my fault.." his mother pulled away, placing her hands on his cheeks, wiping away his tears

"it is not your fault jungwon, why would you say that??"

"b-because! she called me before she killed herself! she asked me to hang out but i couldn't! i-if i had just say yes..s-she would still be here" he shouted at her, now blaming himself

jungwon's mom shook her head, hugging him tightly, "people who commit suicide usually have a reason why. i can assure you that she it was not your fault"

"m-mom.." he continued to cry, now holding onto her tightly

his friend was gone.

。・゚゚・  ・゚゚・。

riki entered his house. it felt so cold and dark. he took off his shoes and didn't waste time in going to ayame's room. he opened the door and turned on the light.

her room was spotless and all cleaned. riki walked in, immediately walking to her desk where everything was organized and put in it's place.

he sat down before grabbing her planner. he then flipped through the pages until it landed on the month of december where he placed his hand over his mouth to prevent more tears from coming out.

he began sobbing seeing that his sister had been planning this week for a long time

monday: plan out week and final day and get boxes/gift bags prepared

tuesday: get everyone's gift and prepare their gifts

wednesday: meet with jay and sunoo to give them their gifts

riki looked at the final day, thursday that was circled in red marker and inside in black pen she had written 'final'

he closed her planner and let out multiple cries.



"she's so selfish!" riki shouted to himself but he quickly took it back, "i-i'm sorry..no she's not.."

he could never insult his dear sister. she helped him with so much despite struggling so much herself. she loved and cared for him so much that he wished that maybe if he was able to protect her, maybe she would still be here as well

he looked at the picture frame on her desk of her and himself. he grabbed her, rubbing his thumb over the picture, "w-we were supposed to fight this t-together ayame..what happened? i thought you were doing well..you never told me anything..you seemed so happy and i-i just..i should've known something was up..you could still be alive if i just saved you..i-if i-i.." riki dropped the picture on the floor, more tears bursting from his eyes

she was gone and riki couldn't accept it.

he was hoping he was just in some horrid nightmare that he wanted to wake up but no matter what, he wasn't waking up because it was reality.

he had to face the face that his sister was now gone and he had to fend for himself in the world.

"why couldn't she just tell me her problems..? i-i would've helped her..i could've.."

he tried catching his breath as he got up from the seat and going over to her bed before laying down in it and clutching the sheets, "s-she's gone.."

ayame had many care for her.

but her problems outweighed it and now she was successfully gone.

call her selfish or not, she just wanted to leave the world.

riki had known she was close to the verge but because she seemed so happy, he couldn't even believe that she had done it during this time.

"i-i hope you're happier up there ayame..." riki mumbled as he shut his eyes and cried himself into a deep slumber

" riki mumbled as he shut his eyes and cried himself into a deep slumber

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