Part 61

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Manik got up from his sleep at around 9 in the morning,when he found the other side of the bed empty.

"Am I not married already or was it a dream" he thought cluelessly and before he could have concluded it to be the reality,which was very likely,he heard the door open and turned to see Nandini,his wife approaching him in a blue layered sequinned jumpsuit with the vermillion adorning her hairline,she looked beautiful.

"Am I not married already or was it a dream" he thought cluelessly and before he could have concluded it to be the reality,which was very likely,he heard the door open and turned to see Nandini,his wife approaching him in a blue layered sequinned ...

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"Oh hi, that means I am certainly married" Manik said spontaneously 

Nandini chuckled at him and went on the dressing table taking out her chooda and keeping it safely in the wardrobe,after asking Nyonika,cause she had a surgery to attend that day.

By now Manik was completely out of his sleep.

"What an irony no Nandini?"

Nandini looked at him and leaned by the dressing table,"irony what?"

"arey its our first day in our house,like a first morning together. Aren't you like supposed to come all decked up in a red saree or something with a tray in your hands to wake me p and then I am supposed to sleep again with my head in your lap,something like that?NO?"

Nandini could do nothing but start laughing uncontrollably looking at all sort of cliche expressions that accompanied Manik's talks.

"You want our lives to be a daily soap?You want me to do all that?"

"No I like the reality better" said Manik getting up,taking out his towel from the cupboard.

Controlling her laugh,Nandini said"Manik I have to go to the hospital today,I have a surgery scheduled urgently"

"Oh right you told me about it,also I will be visiting the restaurants today,the work is almost done,Kiara told me" said Manik approaching her

"Hmm I know and I am so proud of you,I love the interiors already" said she tiptoeing and giving him a peck on his nose and turned to go, to which she was stopped by Manik.

He held her by her waist,further cupping her cheeks,and leaned in,Nandini clutched him by his shoulders and a yet another kiss,all for love,also a first after the wedding.

They parted gasping and smiling at each other,the eyes glistening with love. Manik passed her a glass of water which she gulped down in a jiffy and he went inside the washroom,peaking out of the door the next second

"Do you want me to drop you" asked Manik.

"No No,Bhai sent my car in the morning,also the breakfast is ready,I ve had it and the others are waiting for you,Bye."

"Bye wifey,take care of your lunch please" and it conveyed his love , again even without an exchange of I love Yous.


Nandini went down the stairs 

"Mamma,I am going" she said informing Nyonika,who passed her a smile.

"Okay beta,take care and if possible be here by 6 to check your reception outfit,otherwise tomorrow it would be a chaos." Nyonika said passing her a juice bottle

Nandini smiled at her and bid bye to Cabir and Raj.

"Raj , bua ma has called us in her room." Said Nyonika informing Raj who nodded at her.


Manik was at Mom's kitchen,the main branch where a handful of work was left while the rest branches were completed fully.

"Sir,only the kitchen area is left now and we need to know if we have a budget of 4-5 lakhs , we are planning to give it a marble placement." Said Mr. Sheikh to Manik

"I will just talk to Nandini and inform you about it Mr. Sheikh" replied Manik with his leading persona.

He went a little away and called Nandini who picked the phone in 3-4 rings

"Hi wifey"

And that's just what needed to cheer our beautiful girl,who was a little off.

"Hi husband" She said , stress,sadness, tiredness , everything reflecting on her voice.

Manik sensing it immediately,said "What happened Nandini? All good"

"No" she replied, "We just lost a patient Manik,he was a child and we couldn't save him"

Manik did not know what to say and he definitely was a little confused , Nandini did feel bad whenever the hospital lost a patient, but she never shared it with anyone,today she did. This was Marriage, unintentionally you tend to share every little thing that bothers you.

"You operated him?" Asked Manik

"No, but whoever did,his parents trusted us with him,I am feeling vulnerable,it's been long since we failed with someone's life" Nandini said,her voice choking by now.

True though, Lifeline hospitals were known for the consistency they carried, one in a hundred cases or not even that,was what they failed in and so when it happened,it disappointed the whole staff.

"Nandini, listen to me, if that little dude had to live,he would have,nothing had the audacity to stop him but if he was too dear to God and so God did not really want him to grow up and face the real world,he decided to give him a stress free life up there and don't you think you all at the hospital are lucky? God chose you all to be the medium for him to be with his dearest creation?" Manik replied in an intense tone.

Nandini was speechless and all that escaped from her mouth was,"I love you Manik,thankyou , I feel much better"

"Keep your thankyou to yourself and tell me if you would like a marble placement themed kitchen?" Manik asked her not even mentioning the budget

"Marble placement? Woah that's creative,that did not even strike me , I would love it Manik" said Nandini all excited.

"Great then, we are doing it" Manik said after giving a thumbs up to Mr. Sheikh

"Hmm,okay,you will be there at home now?" Asked Nandini signing a few documents brought to her from Murthy industries.

"No,I will be there by 7 evening, I ve some work at office,did you have something?" replied Manik

"Not really, I don't want to eat hospital food today,I had juice that Mamma gave me and I will be at home in an hour ,I will have it,don't worry and come soon,bye!"

"Bye!" Manik replied convinced cause he knew Nyonika must have given her the juice he asked her to, and went on to finish all his work as soon as possible.



How are you liking the married Manan?
Would you all have liked it better if it would have been that cliche after marriage phase?
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