chapter 1

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Glade's P.O.V

"She won't get far." I heard him say, as I ran through the maze of tunnels. My feet feel cold against the chill damp stones that form this labyrinth. Any normal 14 year old girl would most definitely get lost here. Luckily for me, I have been memorizing these tunnels since we got here 6 months ago."over there!" The voice is louder. They're getting closer. Run. How did this happen? Why did this happen? Questions burst through my head like a tornado storming a farmers field. Why did they do this? How could he do this? I can feel my eyes start to burn. No. Don't think, just run. I must be getting close. My lungs burned from the cold stale air.

There are many side tunnels that branch off the main one, and as I ran, I saw door after door flying by as I sprinted as fast as I could. I finally saw the notch in one of the wooden doors. I had cut that notch earlier this year.

Still running, I turned into the one and a half foot thick door frame. A lock. Reaching into the pocket of my black cargo pants, I pull out the old bronze key that is meant for this exact purpose. When I was young my mother taught me how to forge a key that would fit almost any hole. I slid the key into the hole, turned it till I heard a click. Thank goodness. Wait a minute. Turning around,listening, I press my back into the door, opening it. Why don't I hear their boots? I hold my breath. Terrified that a single breath would give me away. I slowly back through the door. Oh no. This door is so old. And I never even thought about it. As I back up, the door squeaks.I can hear the boots again. But this time they seem to be going the other direction. After a few moments of anxious waiting, I turn back towards the door and take a step in. Just as I had hoped, the cleaners had not checked this particular room. The room is empty,except for the black duffel bag I left here about a year ago in case any plans went south.

Along with the duffel bag,there is a steel ladder that stands in the left corner of the room and goes straight up to the low ceiling and meets with a circular metal hatch. I throw the duffel bag around my shoulder and start climbing the ladder. I did bring shoes. They are in the duffel bag, but I just want to get out of here for now. The Ice cold bars feel good on my bare feet. Reaching the hatch, I notice a handle. I try to turn it, but it seems to be jammed. Ugh! I am so close! I jump off the ladder and open my bag. Good. I remembered my crowbar. Ok, ok, I know it seems a little weird that I am carelessly carrying a crowbar around, but come on, it's good to be prepared for anything. I climb back up the cool ladder.This crowbar is really gonna come in handy. I stick the tip of the bar into the crack of the hatch and try to pry it open. I grind my teeth and push. "UGH!" It won't budge. Trying again and failing, I Jump off the ladder once more. "Hey third times a charm." I say. Hopeful. I put a couple of warm breaths into my cold hands and climbed back up. Right about now, I am really missing my shoes. My feet ache from the cold, damp concrete. I pressed the bar back into the crook and pushed. squeezing my eyes shut and pushing like my life depended on it. (It does) I feel a release and the hatch fly's open. The sun is so bright that I have to squint.

I have been underground for days. My parents attend meetings and stuff like that, so I have been busy. No more meetings. My eyes adjust to the light and I crawl out onto the newly cut grass. The dew makes my hands and knees thick with the green past. Apparently, this hatch led to a Large opening. This looks like someone's lawn, but it's surrounded by a forest of trees. Across the opening, I see a dirt road that seems to b e the way out of here. I jump down back into the cool damp room, open my duffel bag, pull out my black sneekers and put them on. As I lace them up, I think of where he might be. Is he still looking for me, does he even care? Of course he doesn't care. He's the one who did it, he's the one who.....No not yet. I throw my bag on my shoulders, grab the crowbar and start jogging toward the small dirt road. Do they know about this place? I laugh to myself and think,Of course they do. They know everything. I think as I slow to a walk and catch my breath. There is an opening up ahead, past the small road, and I think I hear cars. The morning air is bittersweet. Burning my lungs with the fresh freezing smell of cut grass.

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