Chapter 4

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South Kendra

**Glades P.O.V**

I am Walking down a corridor. Artificial light shines through a few windows. I have some books in my hands. "Robinson Crusoe" and "Lord Of The Flies". I am barefoot as usual. I walk for several minutes. I had woke up a few hour's ago and had decided to read. I do not enjoy reading, but mom had assigned me with the task to read 2 books per month. Last month's were        "Moby Dick" and "To Kill A Mockingbird". The ground is cool and smooth. The corridor floors are made up of Marble tiles. Every 20 to 30 feet, I pass small wooden doors that lead to various underground tunnels. The tunnels are the only way in and out of the underground base. there are multiple of these bases around the world. The last one we were living in was in Alaska. We lived there for 3 years.  

I am going to the interrogation room to continue my reading. It is always more quiet in there. It is always empty. The room is basically a concrete box with one wooden door. really depressing looking. As the door gets nearer, I hear some muffled talking. It sounds like a women. Is someone in there? I close in the space and listen. The walls are so thick and the door is supposed to be sound proof but I can make out a few muffled words  "Please ...(mumble) ..... ...Glade...(Mumble).....Misunderstanding." 

What? who is that and why is she talking about me?  Then I hear a mans voice. "...Cant..(Mumble) ..Obey.. (Mumble) us..." I notice that the door hasn't been locked and I slide the latch open. Without making a sound, I push the reinforced wooden door open a crack.  I can see the back of a man. A man I know very well. Emiko Hitoro Stands in the middle of the room. Tall and Skilled in ALL of the martial arts, He is my teacher. He is wearing, as always, a slick black suit. He also holds a gun. It is pointed at something. I push the door open a inch more to see who is in the chair and.....WHAT?  "Goodbye my friends." Emiko says, and right then, I hear two loud gunshots. 

I stand in horror and stair at the now limp bodies of my parents. a bullet hole in each of there foreheads. It is as if the blood in my body has drained out of me. I Think I am going to puke. I just stand there, not moving. blood drips onto my mothers white blouse.  My body goes limp and I drop the two books. Emiko's head spins around along with his gun hand. Pointing the gun at me, he says, "Ms. Beckett....." I dont hear his next words because I slam the door with my hand that is still on the latch and latch the lock shut. I run. Faster than I ever have. Through the corridor and a wooden door. Heading straight for my "Go Bag" that I had put together. No. No. Why?? My fathers bloody face fills my head. the dripping of my mothers blood. The look on Emiko's face. Was it sorrow? No. It was not pain or regret either. All I can do is Run. Run. Run............

"Glade. Glade! " I wake up to mason saying my name and shaking my shoulder . I open my eyes and notice that I am gasping and covered in sweat. "Glade, wha.." But before he can finish, I shove his hand away and sit up. "nothing, bad dream, i'm fine."  He looks at me with suspicion and says "yeah, OK, but you gotta pack up. were heading into town."

We pack up and I throw on a blue sweatshirt on over my white tank top and shove my maroon sweatshirt in my bag. I admire the simplicity of the town from were we slept. so small. Further thoughts on the town are interrupted by the loud rumble coming from my empty tummy. I had eaten my last granola bar last night. "hows the foot?" I hear mason ask from behind me. "fine." I dont think I fully sprained it because if feels totally normal at the moment. "alright, lets head".

We walked down the hill and through the woods until we came to the back of building. Then we made our way forward and found our self's in the middle of the town we had seen from above. Looking at a sign above, mason said, "just what I thought." "what?" I asked. "we are in South Kendra." "what's that" I ask dumbfounded. "the name of the town dipstick." he answered impatiently. we stand in front of the building now and looking up at it I read, "Nick's Razor and Jennys curl's" what kind of name is that? I ask myself. Are we in barbie land or something? Their are cars going back and forth o the road and shops everywhere.  I turn to Take more of this place in, when it hits me. I take a deep breath and can smell it! I close my eyes to the luxurious smell of sausage, pancakes, syrup, eggs and bacon! I open my eyes and see a diner called "King's Crown". Just then, as if on signal, my stomach gives another desperate growl for food. the man beside me sighs and looks down at me. "hungry?"  "Heck yeah!" I say in return. and we both march through the street and towards the diner.

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