Chapter 1 - First Meeting

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Deepika POV

"Deepika hurry up the class is going to begin soon" my best friend Alia yelled. We are both in the crowded hallway close to our next class. I still can't find my notebook. I really need to clean my locker sometimes.

"You carry on. I think this is going take a little longer than I thought" I replied. I hate when this happens.

"Okey, but don't be late." Aliya left while I kept digging in my locker to desperately find the notebook. I am pretty sure I kept it here yesterday.

"Uhhhh!" I yelled frustratedly.

"Need some help there gorgeous?" asked an unknown voice. I turned to my left and found the most popular boy in school, Ranveer Singh right in front of me. Alia told me that he is a playboy and a complete jerk. This it the first time I've actually met him.

If I say he is unattractive, I would be the biggest lie I've ever told. Honestly, he looked hot in his plane black v-neck shirt and jeans. The sleeves of his shirt couldn't cover his strong, muscular biceps. His hair was dark and short, exactly how I told Rayan to do his hair but just wouldn't listen. He is leaning on the locker with a smirk on his face. He had dimples on the sides of his face just like mine but only a little lighter. No wonder girls can't seem to resist themselves. But not me, I love Rayan too much to give this guy any more attention.

"No, thank you. I've got this" I reply and turned my head back to the locker. Somehow managed to drop a few books while I was at it. I bent down and picked those books up.

"Nice a*s there babe!" he remarks. What the hell? Alia was right. This guy is such a pervert.

"Hey watch it! Who the hell to you think you are huh? Get lost before I do something" I warn, looking at him in the eye.

"Something what baby? Jump and kiss me? Oh I would love that" he retorts back grinning at me confidently.

"No, it was more like slap you in the face and tell my boyfriend to teach you a lesson" I reply getting angrier by each second.

"Oh you talking of that Rayan kid? Ha ha ha please. It's more likely he would come running to you asking for protection." he says stepping a little closer to me.

"We'll see, who goes running once he is here. But for now go try your charms on some stupid girl who will melt in your arms within minutes. As for me, neither I am stupid nor am I interested. So buzz off." I speak more confidently than I've ever been. But this statement of mine only caused him it smile even more.

"Sweetheart, I can't tell you how sexy you look when you are angry. I love feisty women. Now, now, baby, better not get too angry. Don't want my sweetheart to get a headache now. I'll see you later, and vary soon. Till then don't do anything I wouldn't do." with that he walks off.

What an idiot! Why was he even here? What was he trying to do? Sh*t! I'm gonna be really late for class. I turned to my locker and the notebook is right there. Gosh! Could have found it a few minutes ago. Then I wouldn't be needing to deal with that jerk.

I walked or should I say, ran to the class. I knocked on the door and opened it. All the heads turned to me. I hate this situation, where everyone looks at you like you killed someone and have blood all over your face. Come on people! I'm only 5 minutes late. No need to stare at me like that.

"Ms. Padukone, you are late. Is everything all right?" Mr. Steve asks politely. Good thing is all about the professors at collage love me. And why not? I get the most perfect grades, do several community and service activities, I'm the captain of the girls basketball team, not to mention I also play soccer and badminton.

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