Glory POV

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Glory's alarm went off as she sat up in bed and stretched. Then she got up and looked at the time. 6:45!? The bus would be there at 7:00! She quickly threw on a white top, black leggings, and tied a red plaid jacket around her waist, put on one of her gold necklaces, with a triangle on it, and some white sneakers. Then she slung her backpack on one of her shoulders and ran up to the bus stop. 

The bus came almost immediately after she reached there. She waved hello to Sunny. As soon as she got on the bus, all the boys beckoned her to sit with them. She didn't of course and sat next to Deathbringer instead.

"Hey! have a good summer?" He asked her she nodded and they spent the rest of the bus ride talking. Once the bus stopped, they got off, nodding goodbye and walking separate ways.

"Hey, Glory!" Sunny beckoned for her. "How are you? How was your summer? Did you go out with Deathbringer yet?" Glory snorted.

"Why would I do that?"

"Because you're in love with him." Tsunami replied bluntly.

"Am not!"

"Are too!"

"Am too" Glory reversed.

"Are not! Dang, it!" Tsunami realized she had been tricked

"Plus, you're in love with Riptide!"

"Am not!"

"Prove it." Glory challenged. Tsunami eyed her suspiciously. "If you can manage not to flirt with him for one day, I'll admit you're not in love." Tsunami hesitated for a moment. 

"Deal. Also if I los-"

"When you lose,"

"We play Truth or Dare." Glory groaned. Truth or Dare was her least favorite game. 

"Fine deal." Just by luck, Riptide passed by Tsunami, leaving her a cherry red.

"Hey, Riptide! What's up?"

"The sky." Tsunami giggled furiously. Glory rolled her eyes.

"Looks like someone spends too much time with Deathbringer." That earned her a glare from Tsunami

"Look who's talking." she muttered as she turned back to Riptide.

"Your super funny, Riptide" She giggled again as she twirled a finger through her hair. 

"Oh! That's the bell gotta go now!" Glory tried to contain her laughter at Tsunami's crestfallen face but failed drastically.

"Guess it's time for truth or dare."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2022 ⏰

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