Plate been broke so many times don't know what to believe~~

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Sasuke's POV:

It was 1 in the morning and I was still up and thinking of any jobs that Naruto could do because strip, "I got it! Wait.. no.." I paced around my room thinking and thinking.. "Mm.." I heard a groan from the boy behind me and he had the cutest whisker marks on his cheeks "How'd my dumbass not notice these?" The raven "Sasuke.." Sasuke gets spooked and looks behind him seeing nothing then looks back at Naruto, 'He was the one speaking-'  

"Sasuke?" Naruto sat up and looked into Sasuke's eyes "Yes?" "You okay? I heard you freaking out" "I'm fine" Sasuke poked Naruto's forehead with his index finger and his middle finger "Go back to sleep dobe" Naruto nodded and went back to sleep. 

"Oi Sasuke!" "Hey Ino"  "Where's the blondie?" Kiba asked while standing in between Ino and Sasuke and wrapped his arms around both Sasuke's and Ino's neck "That's none of your business Kiba" "You're no fun Sasgay" "Oh! I forgot to give you something Sasuke!" Ino stopped in her tracks and searched through her purse "What is it?" "Here! It's a gift for him!" Sasuke looked at a Bright orange dress in her hands "Naruto's a boy not a girl Ino" "Naruto?! EEK! I love his name! and I know he's a boy, but still! He'd look hella cute!" 

~Time skip AGAIN~

3rd POV

"Here you go Naruto" "What's this?" "A dress from a friend of mine" Sasuke walked downstairs to go clean up, He started washing his dishes when he heard a scream from upstairs, he dropped his glass plate and ran upstairs (A/N: That's why I use  paper plates -_-) "What is it?!" When I tell you Sasuke's jaw dropped... "Holy fucking Uchiha.." "I love it! Your friend has some taste in design!" Sasuke uncontrollably pushed Naruto onto the bed and climbed on top of him.

"S-sasuke?" the raven put a finger over his lips and leaned his head down to Naruto's ear and whispered: "Don't EVER look this hot in front of anyone else but me" Sasuke practically growled as he said that Naruto just nodded and looked away from the very attractive man on top of him "We should probably go to the store and get some more food since my friends are coming over" Sasuke got off of the poor blond and walked downstairs, Naruto changed into Sasuke's jeans which were to small on the raven and were also to small for the blond, the jeans bearly fit the boy an the fabric rubbed against his skin (A/N: So in a way, they'd be like XSkinny jeans) and he put on a big dark blue shirt which looked not worn in a while that had a Uchiha symbol on the back, Naruto grabbed a pair of scissors and cut the bottom of the shirt where it could show  Naruto's belly button ring "This is okay for today." Naruto put on a pair of shoes and walked downstairs.

 "What happened down here?" Naruto saw Sasuke sweep up the broken plate pieces off the floor "When I heard you scream I dropped the plate" Naruto looked sorry and immediately had the idea of buying the raven another plate "Come on Sasuke!" Naruto grabbed his wrist and dragged him out the door "W-where are we going?!" "To the mall!" (A/N: So ya'll gon' forget the poor plate?)

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