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Milk Cookie felt sorry.but he didn't understood why did he felt sorry... Dark Choco hurt his friend not him. But was it his fault? he was able to stop Purple yam cookie but he chose to watch their fight.
He ran to the dark choco cookie and said:
"Trust me. It wasn't your fault...It was mine. H-hey stop crying... Please. You are not a monster you are my hero. Do you still remember that day? You were the one who comforted me when my parents died.I owe you a thank you. I would never want to be a warrior if I didn't meet you."
Dark choco Cookie looked into his eyes with pain:
"I am not-I am not the cookie you think I am"
milk Cookie felt a little bad for him but he tried to talk him:"he-hey listen me don't have to live like this you are not a bad cookie...anything was your fault. Life was mean to you. But we can escape from here together. all castles have secret exits,right? Maybe you know some of them."
Dark choco Cookie:"you don't understand. I can no-"
Dark enchantress cookie:"oh my dear! can you really believe that? Do you believe you are a GOOD Cookie! How foolish... You are belong to here because you have done terrible things, aren't you?"
Dark choco Cookie:"..."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01, 2022 ⏰

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