Chapter Four

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~•Niall's POV•~

I told her to take her blindfold off and I was joust staring at her for her reaction. I hope it's not to much I mean I didn't want to do this but I think she wanted to go on a date more than going as friends so I changed my mind.

Her face is awestruck, she stood there speechless for a while so I'm guessing she loves it but she hasn't said anything yet, "So do you like it?" I was kind of nervous asking cuz I didn't want to hear no even though I know it was a yes.

"No. . . I love it!" I could tell she was really excited just by her face, I never stopped looking for her reaction and I got exactly what I wanted.

~•Nikki's POV•~

The scene before me was picture perfect, it looked like he had taken it straight from a movie. That's how perfect this looked.

Niall had taken me to a lake and there's a gazebo at the end of the dock. He took candles and lined the side of the dock going all the way down to the gazebo, because it took us about two hours to get here the sun was starting to set which made it look even more perfect. As we walked towards the gazebo I could see a table with a candle in the middle and there were covered trays. I'm taking a wild guess but I think there's food under there.

"I thought you didn't want this to be a date?" I decided to speak up seeing I was a little confused.

"I didn't but when I said 'just as friends' over the phone you sounded a little disappointed" he gave a little smile after he was finished speaking.

"Oh, well this is lovely, thank you" I had a decent sized smile on my face at this point and I knew he could tell I was happy.

He decided get Nando's take out for our dinner. He got us both the peri peri chicken which tasted amazing! when we were getting close to finishing the date Niall spoke up "I have something to tell you, you may not like it one bit or you might be okay with it."

"Okay, shoot" I was a little nervousness because I had no idea what he was going to tell me what so ever.

"I want you to know why I didn't want this to be a date at first"


"I'm from Ireland and I'm here in London for X Factor. Have you heard of it?"

I nodded my head motioning for him to continue.

"Well I auditioned for it today and was put through. If I don't make it through next week I go back to Ireland. This means we might never see each other again. If I make it really far in the competition then I might get to caught up in it and we could possibly lose contact." he paused, I'm guessing he was looking for my reaction I just nodded and he continued to explain the what if's.

"I'm not saying I'm in love but you know that saying 'if you love something let it go and it'll come back if its meant to be'? yea I think that applies to us Niall, we can either try to be friends and work through this or wait until everything happens." hey that was a pretty good speech wasn't it?

"Then it's decided, we'll try to be friends while this is all going on." he was smiling big now, I guess I made him happy because u actually wanted to try.

I don't know what it is but there's just something about him. He's different from other guys, I guess you could say he's a lot sweeter and he obviously cares. I mean look at the date he took me on, it was amazing, no guy has gone through this much trouble just to make sure I wasn't disappointed.

He drove me home and walked me up to my flat. "I had a great time tonight, this is the nicest thing any guy has ever done for me." I was smiling galore there was no doubt.

"Me too, I'm glad we got to hang out, it was fun and you seem like a great person, I'll text you when I get back to my hotel"


After he left I let myself into my flat and immediately called Margaret. "Hey Nikki!"

"Hey Margaret! guess what! you are never going to believe this"

"Wait, wait was it about you date with Niall?"

I filled her in on all the details of what happened on the date and everything that he told me. Margaret seemed genuinely happy for me to say the least.

I couldn't wait to see Niall again, he was so sweet and I think I'm really starting to like him. The date lasted pretty long it was about eight and I needed to get to bed so I could go to work in the morning.

I walked to the bathroom and took my make up off and brushed my teeth then I went into my room and put on my favorite pair of sweat pants and a t-shirt. I crawled into bed and closed my eyes. I was about to doze off when my phone buzzed on my side table. I picked it up tho see a text.

Nialler: Meet me at the park tomorrow around 8pm wear something warm ;) goodnight love. xx

Oh gosh he sent kisses at the end, does that mean like a kiss on the cheek or on the lips? Maybe he does that with all his friends. Oh geez I don't know but I'll do it back. I hope he doesn't think I'm weird.

Me: I wouldn't miss it :) goodnight. xx



Hello my lovely fans! just wanted to say thank you for reading and please leave me comments! I would love some criticism so I know if I need to fix or adjust anything :)

I do know I need to work on writing longer chapters but I write them on my iPod so it's really hard to tell if its long or short

I'll dedicate the next chapter to one of you guys (the fans) that gives me some helpful advice that I can apply I the next chapter :)

Again thank you so much for reading!!!




Always and Forever 


It Started With Hello *Niall Horan* {EDITING}Where stories live. Discover now