Chapter 2

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Chapter 2 - Friend Request

*Not edited*

      I sit at home on my laptop waiting for my mom to come home.  I log onto Facebook and notice I have a friend request. Oh my gosh!! The friend request was from James Collen!! Why would he want to be my friend?

"AJ?" I hear my mom yell from downstairs.

"Upstair!!" I yell. I hear her footsteps make her way to my room.

"Hi sweetie, I'm going to order pizza." I nod at her and look back at my laptop.

    I accept his friend request and I see a message pop up.Did he just text me? I wait a little before I answer him.

James Collen:


AJ Lawern:


*James Collen Is Offline 7 Minutes Ago*

   What the hell? I log off myself and turn off my laptop. Its pretty late and plus I have school. Still not sure why the James Collen added me as a friend on Facebook. I have to tell Carrie, Delia and Miles.

"Hello?" I say in to the phone.


"WAIT WHAT?!!" Miles yell.

"AJ!! YOU BITCH!!!" Miles yell once again. I laugh harder.

"Will you all stop yelling. Gosh." Carrie says into the phone.

"Whatever. So.......... Spill the beans." Delia says.

"Don't waste food Delia."

"Stop playing around AJ!!" Miles say.

"Ok ok. He added me. I don't know how he found it but he did and added me. Then texted me but came offline. It was weird." Someone sighs and I hear a yell.

"HE LIKES YOU!!!!" Miles and Delia yell at the same time.

"STOP FUCKING YELLING!!!!" Carrie yells and hangs up.

"What got her panties into a twist?" Delia ask.

"I have no idea."

"Anyway..... James so likes you." Miles say.

"What? No. We barely even know each other and barely talk. How can he like me?" I explain.

"True but he thinks your hot." Delia says. I can tell she's smirking.

"How do you know?"

"Look at his last status that he post before he got offline."

     I open my laptop and go onto facebook. I look up James onto Facebook and I check for his status.

Just texted a hot girl but she takes so long to answer. Well bye for now.

    That was 3 minutes after he texted me. I had to waot 7 minutes before I texted him. Its a girl thing.

"Oh my gosh." I say.

"I know right!!" Delia say.

"Bitch, you got the hottest guy after you right now." Miles say. I laugh.

"AJ, its time to go to bed." My mom says as she walks into my room. I look at the clock on my phone and see its already 10. We talked that long?

"Ok guys I got to go. See you both tomorrow." I say.

"Love you AJ." Delia and Miles say.

"Love you too."
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