Bar! ~ Part 1

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Milk Cookie yawned, sitting up and stretching out his arms. He'd rub at his eyes right after before looking around. Milk's room was pretty small, a dresser was at the end of his bed, which was decorated with pictures and flowers. His bed was white sheets with flower patterns sewed on. Milk had loved the color white, so he dedicated most of his home to it.

He shifted off of his bed, stepping forth onto a white rug in front of the dresser. Milk opened the dresser and picked out the usual.

He stepped into the bathroom to change, but beforehand

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He stepped into the bathroom to change, but beforehand... He'd begin to brush his teeth and fix his hair. Afterwards, he'd adjust his headpiece before exiting. Milk grabbed his staff and shield before heading out. Milk Cookie didn't really get any breakfast before leaving... But that's alright!

He smiled brightly, prancing around the kingdom happily. Milk came across a few cookies, in which he created a small conversation with. He'd glance towards the bar, stopping. Maybe I should see how they're doing! I haven't been there in a while. Milk nodded, making his way over to the building. He slowly pushed open a door, looking around.

A redhead was sitting on a stool, facing away. His hair was messy for sure. Milk took a closer look; the cookie was named Vampire Cookie! Vampire was holding some wine. He took a few steps forward before he heard his name...

"Ah, Milk Cookie! Please, sit down!" They called; Milk looked over. A tall cookie behind the counter gestured to an empty stool; This cookies name was Sparkling Cookie; he was the bartender here. Vampire turned to look at Milk as he took his seat.

"Hello!" He waved towards Vamp, who gave a smug grin back before downing the wine.

"Hi!" A voice said from besides Milk, he looked over. The cookie had an apron and green, leafy hair; It was Herb Cookie.

"How are you?" Herb gave a warm smile. 

Milk smiled back of course, "I'm good!" He replied, in which Herb nodded. Milk set down his staff on the side of the stool, the shield joining it.

 "Do you want anything, Milk?" Sparkling slid on over, leaning on the counter. Vampire groaned; he wanted a refill of course! 

Milk thought for a moment, "I'll just have some juice... if that's alright!" He cracked a smile. 

Spark nodded, "On it!" The blonde cookie turned back to prepare such order.

"Heeyy.. why don't you likee.. ever drink?" Vampire leaned over to Milk, which he shifted a bit away.

"I've never really tasted alcohol, and I'm not sure how it'll affect me." He quickly said; it made Vampire frown.

 "Come onn! I'll get youuu a drinkk!" Vamp snorted.

Milk shook his head, 

"No no... I'll be fine!" He responded.

Milk then looked over; Sparkling had already slid the glass over.

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