Gifting! ~ Part 8

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Milk woke, quickly hopping out of bed and grabbing his regular. He stepped into the bathroom to brush his teeth, get dressed, and fix up his white, poofy hair. He soon flung himself down the stairs, putting on his poncho.

The knight quickly grabbed the gift; He was very excited about giving this to Yam.. Afterall, they had just become friends. Milk took a few moments to examine the gift once again, then reached back to grab the note.

He walked over to his calendar; it was a Saturday. Milk didn't have training on weekends. The knight smiled before quickly hurrying out of his house. He couldn't forget to spin around and lock the door before looking around for the bigger cookie.

Milk began to prance around the kingdom, in search of Purple Yam. He desperately wanted to give the gift. The knight glanced down at the box, then looked around.

He frowned, where was the cookie? Maybe he should check the little area Milk had shown him yesterday! Milk nodded to himself before making his way to the path, a smile already replacing the frown.

As he trudged along the path, he glanced back down at the gift then around at the green trees. The knight soon made it to the place and there he was. Yam was sitting down, just staring at the grass silently.

Milk walked over, sitting down besides such cookie. Purple Yam looked over to Milk, then down at the box.

"What is that?!" He frowned at such gift.

"It's a gift! For you!" The knight smiled brightly as he handed the gift. Yam hesitantly took such gift.

The purple cookie set the box on the grass, glancing back at Milk, who nodded. He then grabbed the note, carefully opening it before reading.

It read:

To: One of the best cookies in the kingdom!

From: Milk Cookie

I thought you'd like a gift! I tried to get the right size, do forgive me if I didn't get the right one!

Yam blinked, glancing to Milk once again before unwrapping the box. He pushed off the lid to reveal the purple poncho. Purple Yam held it up before ripping the price tags off, which was pretty easy; He then attempted to put it on, which it worked!

Milk clapped, "Hooray! It fits! I really hope you like it!"

Purple glanced down at the note, then at the poncho; He didn't really know how to react, as he hadn't really received a gift before.

Yam soon felt a pair of arms wrapping around his side, he looked over. Milk was hugging him. Purple set the note back down before hugging back, having a bit of a tight grip on the knight.

"It looks so nice on you!" The knight commented, still having that bright smile plastered onto his face.

The bigger of the two finally smiled back, tightening his grip on the knight. In which Milk let out a small squeak in response, though, never pulled away.

After about three minutes, Yam let Milk pull away from the hug.

"Hey! How about we take a stroll around the kingdom? Maybe I can introduce you to my friends!" The knight suggested, raising his arms.

"I guess." Yam responded, standing up and grabbing his weapon. Milk stood too before leading the way.

As Milk lead the way, Yam kept glancing at the poncho he was wearing. His first ever gift, from his first ever friend. The purple cookie silently swore to himself to keep such gift; He wouldn't let anything happen to it.

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