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Gilbert Residence ~ 10pm

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Gilbert Residence ~ 10pm

Two massive oak trees stood tall outside the two-story house where Elena and Jeremy Gilbert lived. Green foliage swirled around, sometimes getting picked up by the wind and carried off. In the distance, a black Ford Fiesta squealed its tires as it raced down the road towards the house. A young woman sat in the driver's seat. Her hands clenched tight around the steering wheel. She pressed the gas pedal with such force that her foot was starting to go numb.

A bright circle lit up the sky by the time Elena arrived back home.

The young brunette rushed up the stairs to her house. Seeing Stefan on the front porch she asked, "Where is he?"

Looking up with a grim expression he answered, "He's inside."

Throwing the front door open and letting it crash against the white painted wall, all Elena could think about was her brother. Running up the wooden staircase Elena entered Jeremy's room with a sad and tearful gaze.

Walking up to the bed, she sat down in front of him. Grabbing his shoulders, she looked him in the eye.

"Do you understand what happened tonight?"

Looking at his sister with tear-stained cheeks he shuddered a breath before mumbling, "No. I don't understand. I mean. I know what I saw. But I don't understand."

Elena choked back a sob. Pulling her brother into a hug, she held onto him tightly as if he would disappear at any moment.

"I am so sorry, Jeremy." Wrapping his arms around Elena, he silently cried into her shirt.

"Is she going to be okay?" A tight pull could be felt in his chest as he asked this.

"I'm not sure." Elena whispered.

Internally cursing herself for lying to him, Elena felt it was better to let Jeremy think that Vicky was still alive. She knew how much it would hurt him if he knew the truth.

Suddenly, a pain which felt like a knife tearing across his heart racked Jeremy's chest until he couldn't breathe.

"E-elena?" Jeremy stuttered. The boy felt his muscles clench before giving out entirely. With no other choice but to accept fate he fell limp on his bed.

Gasping, Elena quickly stood up. Her doe eyes wide as she screamed down the hall.

"Jeremy! Jeremy! Wake up! Stefan! Stefan! Please! Someone help!"

New Orleans ~ 10pm

"Brother, please." Tears welled in Izarra's green eyes.

"I'm so sorry sister." The wooden stake went straight through her chest putting Izarra to sleep for eternity.

Klaus sighed as he picked Izarra up bridal style. Briskly walking to the room where he kept the coffins Klaus gently laid his sister inside her own wooden box.

However, despite Klaus' cleverness, the original vampire hadn't sensed his own brother slinking into the room right after, pulling the stake from Izarra's chest.

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