two | shenanigans

47 4 3

два | махинации

"keep the ones that heard you when you never said a word." - anonymous

My feet move in a rhythm, circling around the ring. My body stays lowered, my reflexes ready to move. I glare down across at Jasper, scrunching my eyes to forcefully make myself seem serious. Jas cracks a small smile, and it all falters.

"I-I can't s-stop laughinggg." I giggle out.

"S-stop l-laugh-ing, your l-laugh makes m-me laugh." Jas says while trying to hold in his laugh.

Welcome to training with me and Jas. It's all just us goofing around and boasting about how one of us is better than the other. We we're trying to have a sparing battle. Key word; trying. But that ended up failing like all the other training exercises.

I get myself up and walk over to Jas. He lifts his hand at me, and I pull him up from the ground.

"And the award for lifting the heaviest person in the word goes to... Skylar!!" I say excitedly.

"Your sarcasm needs a smack in the face." Jas remarks.

I  walk over to the punching bags, whilst Jas goes to grab our gloves from the locker room of the gym. I stand awkwardly in front of the boxing equipment, and get a few unamusing glances from the people around. They all turn their heads towards the entrance of the gym door. And a 6 foot, hot headed, olive toned skin, brown eyed man walks through the door.

The one and only, Vince; Vincent Volkov.

He strides over towards me and plops himself down on the padded flooring.  "what's wrong" I muster out.

"nothing." he sighs.


"I found Olaf boxers in my drawer." he huffs.

"So? you know who put them there?" I ask.

"Jasper. He left a sticky note saying 'here you go daddy, xoxo jazzie'.".

I choked out a laugh, and Vince sent me a glare.

As if the devil spawned, Jas came out of the locker room with boxing gloves. I rushed over to grab my hot pink pair and slid them onto my hands. I walked confidently up to one of the punching bags and threw a series of punches at it. I looked back at the boys and gave them a nod to come join.

"Your form sucks Roza." Vince laughs.

Quick note; Vincent doesn't know my real name. I mean he's my friend, but we're not that close.

"Says you Olaf panties." I huff back.

Jas erupts in giggles, and fails to hold them in. Vince makes a move at Jas,  but Jas moves out of the way in time. And then he giggles again. Vince burns up in more anger.

Jas is now on the floor with a bloody nose.

Vince is nowhere to be seen.

Talk about situations escalating. I run up to Jas and bend down to reach his level. Lifting his heavy ass up again. I drag him all the way back to the locker rooms and grab a towel. Then throw it at his face. Which Jas perfectly catches inches away from his face and then applies pressure on his nose.

I plop myself down on my cloud couch, and another plop follows. Jas. After the whole bloody nose drama, we tried to find Vince, and then gave up. I sip on my diet coke, and Jas loudly slurps his beer.

"Wonder why Vince got so mad?" I ask.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't say anything remotely bad on the note." Jas defends.

"You wrote 'here you go daddy, xoxo jazzie.'"

"Well I'm taking he didn't like the gift, which is quite rude."

"I think he has a girl problem." I question.

"Bet. 50." Jas says.


And then Jas leaves to go to Mr Ivanov's office. He probably has another mission.

I decide to head from the East Wing to the West to grab snacks from the kitchen area. Strolling through endless hallways and going down elevators I finally reach my destination. The Big Loud Kitchen. Men and Women scatter around the area, having a quick snack or a big meal.

If you're a bit confused this is 1 out of 3 of the the Ivanov Mansions, where all the women and men that work for the Ivanov's live. So it's kinda like 5th grade camp but you live here, until you die.

I wonder to the open bar across from the kitchen, and grab myself a drink.

"One Mimosa, yeah, thanks."

"One for me too." a gruff voice says. I turn my head around to face a 6"2, slick black hair, pale yet tanned skin, green eyed man. Basically a very hot man.

Nikolai Ivanov. Mr Ivanov's son, the next heir to the Russian Mafia.

"I'm Nik-" he starts.

"olai, yes everyone knows." I interrupt.

"You must be Roza, correct?" he says, as he gulps down the whole mimosa.


"You've been invited to dinner at the manor, we have important business to discuss.", and with that he leaves.

"Time?",  just as I say that, I get a beep from my back pocket. My phone.

Unknown Contact - Maybe Nikolai?

9:00 pm sharp.

Read at 8:26 pm.

Reading the message, I assume it's Nikolai, and leave him on read. Because it's funny to mess with peoples head. I wonder why Nikolai himself came, couldn't he just send someone? Why isn't Mr Ivanov not telling me?

A whirlwind of questions flooded through my head, I brushed them aside and make my way to my bedroom to get ready.

author's note

hey! chapter two for you. hope you liked it, I wonder what's gonna happen at dinner? Btw if your confused Skylar's name in the underground is Roza, the only people that know are Mr Stefan Ivanov, Jasper and Sofia Moreno.

word count - 978

next update - 11/1/2022

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