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(AN: Hello guys I am back with the new chapter of THE EYE OF THE UZUMAKI. Now i have some extra news so first of all I wont be posting until after Jan 7th which is after my birthday. Secondly I want to give a shoutout to some one his name is breakingmessage he is a fellow writer and also I suggest reading one of his stories its called Just a year a Naruino I dont know much about it since he only posted one chapter but the story is pretty good so I suggest the story plz make sure to read it I am sure you will love it. With that said. ENJOYYYYYY😁😁😁😁.)


"We have located the target." Came a serious voice of a certain blonde named Menma Uzumaki.

"Good. Sakura where is the target currently situated?" Came the voice of the Jonin sensei of Team 7 Kakashi Hatake.

"Its on a tree. I think it is sleeping." Sakura answered in a serious tone.

"I am pretty sure the target is alert of our presence near him. Sasuke do you confirm that this the main target?" Kakashi asked with the same serious tone.

"I can confirm the target has a red ribbon around its neck." Sasuke answered with the same serious tone as the other members of his team.

"Ok lets finish this. Every one in position?" Kakashi asked. Three "Hai." where heard from the radio connection they where talking through. "Wait three?" Kakashi asked missing one more responce.

Kakashi questioned his extra member for the day who was still not responding.

"Seriously how long will you take just to capture a cat." Naruto's voice came from the radio. "I mean all I needed was a fish and thats it." Naruto said as he Flickered next to the three Gennin of Team 7. Startling them.

"Well good job I guess." Kakashi said with a sigh. Some kids just cant be patient. "Ok everyone meet me at the hokage office."

Later that day

Shisui, Naruto and Team 7 where now in the Hokage office debriefing their latest D-Rank mission of catching the cat of the daimyo's wife Tora.

"Mission capture Tora was a success Hokage-Sama" Kakashi said while reading his favourite book ICHA ICHA Tactics.

"Good job Kakashi" The Hokage started and looked at Naruro. "That was pretty good idea Naruto-Kun." The Hokage said with a smile to one pf his favourite blondes.

"Yea I know I am the best." Naruto said with a wide smile on his face.

"Anyways." Kakashi interrupted as he got the attention of the Gennins infront of him he started. "Team 7, Team 8, Team 10 and Team 2 have planned a weakly competition." Gettin confused looks from the Gennin in front of him he elaborated. "This is an exercise for your teamwork with your given team or any other team made up by the Hokage. In this we will have teamwork exercises with different teams and the teams you were given, there will also be solo challenges where you have to complete the given exercise. We will calculate the result from one start of the month to the other. And the winner of each month will be given money or a jutsu as prize."

The four Gennin's eyes sparkled at the information they received. They would now compete against each other and become stronger together at the same time.

"Now follow me to training ground 7. We will be starting our teamwork exercise then you can have a small spar with each other." Kakashi said as he led his Gennin to the designated spot.

30 mins later

Team 7 and Naruto where now in training ground 7 waiting for their sensei to come back. Shisui had left early saying he had a mission outside the village. Naruto was sleeping under a shed of a tree. Sakura was just sitting beside Naruto playing with her long pink hair, Sasuke was just being his emo self and Menma was just waiting patiently leaning on the tree Naruto and Sakura where under.

After few more minutes Kakashi arrived with three boxes of eggs in his hands. "Here we are students now come here and listen to my instruction for the following exercise." Kakashi said taking one the eggs out and throwing to Menma. But when Menma caught ut the egg cracked as it splattered all over his hand.

"In this exercise your objective is to throw the egg to your teammate without breaking it and the person you throw it to will also have to catch it with out breaking or cracking it." Kakashi said amd continued. "The rules are simple. You cant just toss the egg you have to throw it, you can catch the egg with your strong hand only, if the egg breaks on your hand you cannot wash your hands until the exercise is done. Thats all now once you master this we will go to the next part of the exercise will be done with a cracked egg. So go and start we dont have any time to waste." Kakashi instructed.

And just like that they had started the exercise. Thirty minutes in the test we can see a perfect rhythm going with four of the gennin. "Ok now we can move on to the next part of the test." Kakashi said catching the egg from the middle of the air.

Kakashi handed them a cracked egg as he went back to watching his and shisui's gennins get hit with eggs for the next hour and thirty minutes. After completing the second part of the test he let the gennins wash themselves in a near by river.

After they had washed themselves Kakashi had made a small circle for them to spar in. "Ok the rules are simple no killing or anything like that, the person who is out of the ring or is not able to continue will lose and also the usage of jutsu is allowed. Ok so the first match will bee Menma vs Sakura and the second match will be Naruto vs Sasuke. Lets start." Kakashi said as Sakura and Menma went inside the ring.

"Ready you two?" Kakashi asked. With a nod Kakashi sliced his hand through the air as he shouted "HAJIME!"

Sakura rushed at Menma with her hand held back. Menma was ready as he sidestepped the punch as he went for a leg swipe tripping Sakura he held a kunai to her neck.

"Winner Menma" Came the voice of Kakashi as Menma helped Sakura get up.

"Alright next match Sasuke vs Naruto." As the two made it in the ring Kakashi stood in the middle with his hand in the air. He could not help but remind himself of a certain memory of his late teammate Obito. The thought saddened him a little but he shook it of as he saw the fighters ready he sliced his hand through the air. "HAJIME!"

Sasuke was the first one to react as he flew through hand seals "Fire style: Fire Ball Jutsu" As he shot a normal fire ball Naruto had ran through his own hand seals and slammed his hand on the ground "Earth style: Mud wall" The fire ball struck the wall as it exploded and started creating black smoke. "Thats your fire ball... Pathetic." Came Naruto's voice from behind Sasuke. Naruto was holding a half ram seal as he was holding a kunai to Sasuke's neck. "You lose."

"Winner Naruto Uzumaki" Kakashi said as Sasuke gritted his teeth in anger loosing to someone who is not even in his team is not what Sasuke wanted it made him and his team look weaker.

"Alright now is the final match Menma vs Naruto please enter the ring." Kakashi instructed as he leaded the two to the ring.

"Ready?" getting a nod Kakashi sliced his hand through the air as he shouted "HAJIME!"

Neither one of the two moved as a breeze went through them swinging Naruto's hair with the wind. The cold blue eyes in front of Menma that had pain written all over it staring at Menma. Slowly a smirk came across Naruto's face causing a chill down Menma's smile.

Naruto started running through hand seals causing Menma to panic "Earth style: Tojinbo." Naruto said slamming his hand on the ground he created a giant maze. In the middle Menma and Naruto could be seen the ladder smirking at the former. In a yellow Flicker Naruto appeared next to Menma ready to perform a kick to his chin making Menma lose his feet on the ground.

Menma flipped as he landed on the ground holding a cross hand seal. "Shadow Clone Jutsu" Menma shouted as a clone popped into existence beside him. The clone ran through his own hand sings as Menma shot a fireball in Naruto's direction. The clone exclaimed "Wind style: Gale Palm." Causing the fireball to become wider and faster. 'Hmmm, I see clever move. If he had just shot a normal fire ball I would just use an earth wall to block it but since it is wider it will engulf the whole wall now.' Thought Naruto as he went through three hand seals finishing in the snake hand seal he sank into the ground with Earth style: Hiding Like a Mole Technique.

Menma could not see what was going on when he herd a slight crack on the ground next to him all of it came to him as he realized what was about to happen, but was to late. Naruto came out of the ground as he performed a drop kick the Menma's back making him stumble forward. He created a shadow clone infront of him which kicked Menma on his chin making him go up in the air.

The original Naruto got up as he was holding the cross hand seal a clone popped next to him. The original Naruto jumped up in the air with the help of the clone and went past Menma turned he turned downwards holding the bird hand seal he blew a gust of wind through his mouth with the help of Wind style: Breakthrough. This made Menma crash down on the ground creating a small crater around him.

With a pop yet another Shadow Clone came behind Naruto as he place both his feet near the open palm of the clones the exclaimed "Wind style: Gale Palm." Making Naruto go downwards directly to Menma with his hands in a fist ready to punch him.

As he came in punching distance to Menma he unleashed his fist on Menma's stomach causing him to spit out some saliva and knocking him out.

After Naruto had caught his breath he picked Menma up and Flickered in front of Team 7 making him the winner of their sparring competition.

"Ok now congratulations Naruto for winning the spar. Now dont forget tomorrow is our first weekly team challenges." Kakashi said as the rest nodded. He took Menma on his shoulder to drop him of at his house.

Later That Day

Naruto was with Shisui on the training ground 2 waiting for Shisui's orders. "Ok Naruto now you have to get faster naturally. If you are always using Body Flicker you will just waste your chakra which will not be that much of a problem for you seeing that you are an Uzumaki and the container of the Nine-Tails but still its better not to waste chakra more then necessary." Shisui stated.

Naruto nodded as he also thought about his own speed being very low for his liking. "I see, I already have made some resistance seal but I have yet to try them on." Stated Naruto rubbing his chin in contemplation.

"Anyways Naruto we will think about that later. As for now we have our first weekly challenges so dont forget to be ready you have to in training ground 7 by mid day. So we can have some free time after your D-Rank with team 10 tomorrow be in our training ground somwe can do some last minute training after that we will head over to the weekly challenge." Shisui said as he Flickered away from the area.

The next day had came in and Naruto had helped Team 10 with their D-Rank mission of painting fences and waling the Inuzuka dogs. Now Team 7, Team 8, Team 10 and Team 2 could be seen in training ground 7 waiting for their Jonin sensei to start giving the rules about the first challange.

After a little discussion among the four sensei they went infront of their respective teams. "Ok so for you first weekly challenge you will be fighting against the other team. The rules are simple you have to knock out your opponent every elimination will be two points and the team which wins will be given five points each second place will get three and lastly third and fourth will get one point for participation." Kakashi finished as he resumed reading his favourite orange book.

"Ok teams get in position and when the paper bombs blow up is the signal for you to begin. Your sensei's will be there to give you some instructions." Kurenai stated as she Body Flickered to her teams corner.

When the teams had reached their respective corner they had met up with their sensei for some strategic plan.

With Team 10

"So Shikamaru whats your plan?" Asuma asked lighting a cigarette as he spoke to his students.

"Hmmm, its troublesome really. So, listen up I am only going to say this once our team roles is easy to remember Ino will be our back up her clan jutsu is good for infiltration so we can gather intel about the other teams, Choji will be our front line attacker for obvious reasons and I will be in the middle a back up for Choji because my clan techniques are useful for sneak attacks." Shikamaru finished as his team was listening to his planning out his strategy.

"Alright." Shikamaru started again. "So now that that is out of the way we can begin planning on our battle strategy. We have to keep in mind Naruto is alone even if he is the strongest we will get overwhelmed if the other two teams are to team up and strike us together. So we have to go for the second best team which is Team 7. We team up with them and take out Naruto the rest will just fall in place." Shikamaru finished with a smirk as he, his team and their sensei shared a nod.

With Team 8

"Ok so listen we are supposed to be a sensory team so in that case we have to sense the others and attack them rather then letting them bring the attack to us. Team roles are simple Hinata will be our mains sensor and back up to the team also a close range fighter when the situation calls for it, Shino will be our middle man as he has a good long range to mid range jutsu supply and finally Kiba will be our front attacker as he has the most damaging jutsus amongst you three." Kureni finished instructing her team team as she body flickered in the middle of the ground beside Asuma waiting for the others.

With Team 7

"Ok listen we have to get to Naruto first to team up with him. Even if he might be alone he is the strongest among us, trust me I have first hand experience of it. Menma said as he was with his team and sensei planning for the upcoming battle.

"No we work on our own." Sasuke angrily voiced his opinion.

"Sasuke calm down its not the time to throw a tantrum." Kakashi said in a serious voice.

"Tsk, Whatever but we are not teaming up with the dobe." Sasuke said arrogantly returning to his usual broody mode.

"Ok then Team 10. But if we team up with them we have to take Naruto out first then we can go against Team 8 and Team 10."

"Thats better" Sasuke's voice was now a lot calmer then last time as he put his hand in his pocket and stood in silence.

"Ok then i trust you everything will go well." Kakashi said with eye smile as he went away in a body flicker.

As he arrived at the middle he gave out a long sigh as Asuma questioned. "Whats wrong Kakashi? Having trouble with your team?"

"We will see what happens when it starts for now lets wait." Kakashi said to Asuma as he began reading his ICHA ICHA Tactics again.

With Team 2

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