twenty one•her

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"I love you too." the words struck me. This time, his voice was thick and truthful. I couldn't process it all at once. My head turned slightly so I could see him and he rushed over to me and conjoined his lips with mine in what felt like an everlasting kiss. Something was more passionate about this one, it was something deeper than just lips on lips, something deeper than skin on skin. This was so much more, this was us. I pulled back completely, looking at him.

"Please stop..." I squeaked out as a single tear ran down my cheek. Before it fell, he stopped it with his thumb and my head automatically went limp, falling into his warm large hands because this was home to me. I tried my hardest to remember why I was here.

"I can't- Eli..."

"Elana. Listen to me and let me change your mind."

"I don't want to..."

"Well, I'm not letting you go." He wrapped both of his arms around me and wiggled his head into the crook of my neck.

"I'll always love you." He kissed behind my ear.

"Even if you leave me." His lips travelled over to my jaw.

"I've been thinking non stop about you from the day I met you." cool lips against my shoulder.

"I'll never stop, because I love you more than I've ever loved anything and I feel more for you than... than, I don't know who- anyone. I just, I can't help but love you and crave you and need you. Please don't leave babe, please." I felt the fabric of my thin t shirt soak as he let out all his tears.

"Tell me that we'll be okay." He stopped crying.

"What?" He said.

"If you can tell me that we, me and you, we can make it through I will get off this railing. You are the only thing worth living for."

"We will be okay. I will stay with you always." He reached out his hand and I took it this time.

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