Chapter Three

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"Are you sure you don't have to go in today?" The Italian asks as she takes a sip of her wife's wine before handing it back to the blonde who was just watching, her eyes glistening with lust. "Bambina, your eyes." The remark brought the fire captain back to the present with a slight jolt throughout her body.

"My eyes? What about my eyes?" The blonde questions, looking more alarmed than confused.

"You have sex eyes." Said playfully by the OB. Moving in closer, so their faces were inches apart.

Carina was a fan of teasing her favourite firefighter. Her wife had the most expressive face. You could tell what she was thinking just with a glance... Most times, it played to the Italian's advantage.

"I do not have 'sex eyes'... If anything, you do." The blonde sits up a little more, pulling back from her wife before she does anything to prove to her wife right. The OB's eyes slightly widened, her smirk growing as she observed the gradual redness that had appeared on the American's pale face. "Like look at those eyes, full of uhmm sex and... orgasms and- I- ugh." The unconscious movements of the olympian had brought the two faces mere centimetres apart, their lips just far enough apart to speak. "Just kiss me already."

"Always sex on the mind." The doctor tutted before leaning in, closing the gap. Receiving the blonde's soft, eager lips, and letting out a low moan in response. Just as the younger woman tries to deepen the kiss, the brunette pulls away. Knowing if she didn't, they would never get anything done.

"Why do you think I married Dr Orgasm?" Her joking tone dissipated the sexual tension, well as much as it could. The brunette feigned offence, clutching her chest whilst her jaw dropped. Her features soon softened as she moved forwards to quickly steal a kiss from her wife. "Oh, is that how you wanna play this?" The little blonde rhetorically asks as she shuffles forward to claim her stolen kiss back. The Italian shifts backwards, pulling the fire captain onto her, both women falling onto the couch. The doctor tried her best to hold the younger woman back, now on top of her, attacking her with turned out lips. She gave in to her wife and let them get lost in the moment for a bit before pulling them back to business. Giving her just enough of a preview of what was to come later.

"Okay, okay, you got your kisses now... can we go back to the important stuff?"

"Oh, so I'm not important?" The blonde asks with her bottom lip turned out, wide-eyed, staring at the older woman. "We haven't even picked out a sperm donor yet, and you're already putting the non-existent baby over me...." None of what she said was serious. Maya wasn't going to admit it, but she would do anything for her 'non-existent baby' already. The woman was so in love with her Italian wife, she couldn't imagine a scenario where they would not be together, in love, with a family of their own. She might've needed time to come around to the idea, but when she's in... she's all the way in.

"Bambina, c'mon."

"Alright, alright... What about him?" She asks, pointing at the screen of her laptop.

"Maybe... Or him? He's well-travelled and educated."

"Yes, we need smart and worldly sperm." The blonde exclaimed, throwing her head back with laughter at her remark laced with sarcasm. This laughter suddenly stopped when the force of the couch cushion hit the blonde, blowing the wind out of her, courtesy of her wife.

The wives managed to get through the rest of the night, not completely forgetting about the task at hand. Finally, picking out a donor.


Carina had been in charge of most of the baby-making process of everything since she was an OB and the one carrying. Maya helped as much as she could with whatever she could. Accompanying the Italian to every consultation, examination...everything. Maya supported her wife through every decision. She didn't know much about anything baby-related... but she was learning. Slowly, with the help of her Italian doctor, she understood the IVF process... for the most part.

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