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„Dad, you'll wait here. If I won't come out after 20 minutes, call the cops."

„Harry, I don't think this is a good idea at all!"

Dad shook his head in worry.

„I'll be fine. Just let me do. I know what I'm doing."

I stayed silent for a second.

„If I won't come out anymore, tell Alice I liked her although it may wasn't looking like I did but I really like her, some where deep in me. I know I do. I just couldn't show it. And I love you Dad. Just- know that."

„Harry, stop! I won't let you leave this car at all if you keep talking shit like this! You won't die!"

„I know, I'm just saying Dad!"

I shrugged my shoulders, opening the car door.

I rang the bell at Tomlinson / Jones and waited.

I already thought no one would open the door until the buzzing sound sounded and I pushed the door open with my feet.

Louis was waiting in the doorframe.

„Harry?!" He asked, shocked. 

„Louis!" I smiled and he shook his head violently.

„What are you doing here?! You shouldn't be here at all!"

„I wanted to see if you are okay. You weren't at school and-"

„Louis? Who is it?" A female voice sounded and Louis Mom appeared in the hallway.

„Hello Mrs. I'm Harry. I'm a friend of Louis."

She smiled at me. „Nice to meet you! Louis hasn't told me he found friends already! Come in!"

I nodded, smiling and heard Louis gasping.

„Mom, he shouldn't-"

„Don't be so unfriendly towards our guest, Darling!" She scolded and Louis bite his lip, looking back at me.

„Louis will show you his room. I'll make us a tea."

I friendly nodded and Louis gulped protestingly but started walking.

I HATE YOU - BOOK 1/3 Where stories live. Discover now