Give me ma birds back!

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Jeff POV

After eating lots of pizza, I looked over to the empty bird seats. Panic filled me as I ran from the restaurant, knocking over the old lady who hit me with her stick earlier.

Who took them?

Unknown POV

Finally, I had the birds, the birds that once belonged to my boss, The-Pizza-King-Who-Had-A-Big-Interest-In-Birds-So-He-Created-An-Equation-Of-Pizzas-Which-Makes-The-Two-Birds-Appear.

It's a long name so its shortened down to TPKWHABIIBSHCAEOPWMTTBA.

I jumped in my car to be stopped by a police man who told me to give him the birds. I handed them over, reluctantly, but because the only thing I did was steal, I decided that it was my bosses problem not mine.

Jeff POV

I was about to call a cab when a policeman came over with a cage holding my two birds. I was filled with joy.

"I caught the guy. He didn't even look like a thief. It was as if someone was making him."

I thanked him.

The end.

Hi guys,

Shout out to EmmyPanda who told me that the last chapter didn't have to be complicated. Just simple. And that is what it is. I know it all seems bad but. I have many other ideas for other books to share with everyone.

Thanks Emmy! :)


Jeff and the birds go to Pizza HutWhere stories live. Discover now